
Molecular Modeling Pro Plus

Drawing Window Menus

File | Edit | Format | Tools | Rotate | Calculate | Geometry | Display | Slides | Help

MMP+ Main Help page | The Database Window - menu item descriptions | The Image Processor



The File menu contains routines for opening and saving structure files and for opening, saving and creating databases.  It also contains some printing routines.  The Edit menu contains methods for copying and pasting graphics or connection tables to the clipboard and allows the user to add text and bulleted lists to the graphical display.  The Format menu has methods for controlling which molecular properties provide the coloring schemes of atoms and molecules.  The Tools menu is the entry point for the Reaction editor, Huckel MO calculations, CNDO, MOPAC, the html image generator and substructure searching.  The Rotate menu is one entry point to molecular and bond rotation routines (clicking on the screen with the right mouse button is another).  The Calculate menu is the entry point for calculating molecular properties from structure, such as molecular dimensions, charge and dipole moment, solubility, bioavailability, thermodynamics, and polymer specific properties.  The Geometry menu contains methods for conformational analysis, minimization and molecule-molecule docking.  The Display menu allows the user to change how the molecule is displayed and labeled and set z-plane clipping.  The Slides menu contains methods for creating a computer slide show.  The Help menu brings up the files you are looking at.




Clears all molecules and bitmaps from the screen.



Selecting this menu item causing the standard Microsoft Open dialog box to appear.  At the lower left of this dialog box is a list of connection table file formats.  A connection table is the file where structural information about your molecule is stored.  The supported file types are:



Reaction or mixture

Ring files (MACROMODEL format)

Brookhaven pdb files

MOPAC Input file

MOPAC Output file

Crystal coordinate files

Bitmaps and metafiles


Select the file format desired, the directory to open it from and the molecule from the file list box.  The molecule should open.


Description of file formats:


MACROMODEL files  (*.dat)

This format originated with the MACROMODEL program developed at Columbia University.  The version used here dates from the late 1980s.  MACROMODEL is a good choice for routinely storing molecules to be used by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  It has the capability of retaining information about residue types of biopolymers, like proteins.  Molecules originating as Brookhaven pdb files will have their residue names translated to Macromodel residue names before storing. The structure of the MACROMODEL connection table is discussed under Geometry/View connection table and in appendix 1.


MDL Molfiles (*.mol)

This is a good choice for molecules with formal charge or for molecules that you wish to share with other programs.  MDL Molfiles are the standard ASCII text connection table format recognized by most chemistry software programs.  The default version used here is version 2000, which has a serious limitation (999 atom limit).  If there are more than 999 atoms in the molecule, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will store the molecule in a newer format of the Molfile which may not be so universally used. If more than one molecule is present they are all stored in the same Molfile. MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS supports some Molfile features like atomic mass differences and charges.  It does not support 2-D stereochemistry (this is taken care of by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS with 3-D geometry) or special instructions after the connection table (lines starting with the letter M).  The sample program included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS has an example of a program that inputs a Molfile.


MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS Reaction files (*.rct)

The individual molecules are stored as MACROMODEL files, but there is an additional file containing information about the reaction itself that ties the molecules together.  This type of file is created by the Reaction editor (Tools menu).


Ring files (*.rng)

These molecules are stored as MACROMODEL files without hydrogens in the \ring directory.


Brookhaven pdb files

This is another standard file format, widely used for storing proteins.  We do not recommend using them as routine MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS connection table formats because much information from the files is lost on saving them (MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS saves everything as HETATM, and loses information on residues).  On opening one of these files, the program prints out the sequence and other information stored in this file to a file called “residue.txt” and displays it.  Note that you can color the atoms by residue number using the appropriate menu item under Format.  The maximum number of atoms allowed by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS is 5000 with 40 molecules.  You may run into the 40 molecule limit with files containing many water molecules.

      Sometimes these files do not come from a PC and the end of line characters are not read properly.  If the line is more than 64 kilobytes, then data will be lost as it is read into MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS and an error message (Out of String Space) will occur.  To see the file, edit the offending lines so that they can be read by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS properly (e.g., the lines should be the standard 80 characters in width).  An easy way to do this is to read the file into Microsoft Word for Windows and save it as a text file without making any further changes.  Word will change the end of the line characters to standard PC characters for you.  Make sure you store the file as an ASCII text file.

      MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS uses the following Brookhaven key words for setting geometry:  ATOM, HETATM, CONECT, TER and SSBOND.

MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS uses the following key words to construct the Residue.txt file: COMPND, SOURCE, AUTHOR, REMARKS, SSBOND, HELIX, SHEET, TURN and JRNL.

      MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS also will call up a program capable of displaying large Brookhaven files like the freeware program RASWIN (RASMOL,  written by Roger Sayle, Biomolecular Structure Department,                        Glaxo Research and Development, Greenford, Middlesex, UK.).  To do this modify the fifth line of the file ‘moldat.txt’ from “” to “c:\netscape\RASWIN.EXE” (or the full path name of your molecular display browser - e.g. the latest version is RASWIN32.EXE; other free programs like MDL’s CHEMSCAPE may also be able to be shelled in for reading PDB files).  Free copies of RASWIN can be found on the internet.  After modifying your moldat.txt file with this link RASWIN, or the display program of your choice, will automatically come up with the molecule you have opened with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS displayed in it.


MOPAC input files

MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS reads in the portion of MOPAC files specifying internal coordinates (bond lengths and angles) or x,y,z coordinates.  It decides which type of file by seeing if the connections are missing (then x,y,z) in the fourth line specifying geometry.  Since MOPAC files do not contain all the connections in molecules, and do not specify which type of bond the atoms are connected by, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS guesses at this type of information from the bond lengths.

Atoms whose distance is less than 60% of the sums of their Van der Waal’s radii are assumed to be bonded.


MOPAC output files

MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS reads in the portion of MOPAC output file specifying Cartesian coordinates of the optimized geometry. Since MOPAC files do not contain all the connections in molecules, and do not specify which type of bond the atoms are connected by, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS guesses at this type of information from the bond lengths.

Atoms whose distance is less than 60% of the sums of their Van der Waal’s radii are assumed to be bonded.  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS also reads in the net charges (partial charges).  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS reads in the file specified in the third line of the file “moldat.txt” (found in the MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS directory).  The format of this line is “”,””,”” before you edit it.  Change this line to the file location of your executable, input file and output file. 


A free version of MOPAC version 6 is included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.


MOPAC should interact with MOLECUAR DESIGNER without having to set up links to it (MMP+ takes care of this).  If this is not the case, do the following: Open MMP+.  On the Files menu select Initialize Links.  Set the three MOPAC links to:

Executable File = “c:\ your Molecular Modeling Pro Plus path\mopac.exe"

Input File Name = "c:\your Molecular Modeling Pro Plus path\for005.”

Output File Name =”c:\your Molecular Modeling Pro Plus path\for005.mno”


The program mopac.exe should have been installed in your MMP directory during normal program installation.

This is version 6 of the program written by J. Stewart and F. Seiler at the Air Force Academy (public domain) and adopted for WINDOWS by Victor Lobanov at the University of Florida.  It is parameterized for up to 150 non-hydrogen atoms plus 200 hydrogens.


Crystal coordinate files

This subroutines changes x,y,z crystal coordinates to the Cartesian x,y,z coordinates used by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  There are 6 text boxes in the upper left portion of the screen.  Type in the unit cell parameters a,b,c and alpha, beta and gamma in degrees into these boxes.  Type in the information about each atom into the spreadsheet at the bottom of the page.  The information includes the atomic symbol (e.g. Br for bromine), the atom it is connected to (select the lowest number if there is more than one connection), the bond between the connected atoms, and the crystal x, y and z coordinates.  Use the Down and Up buttons to scroll through the spread sheet.  Hit the Save button to save the file when done (otherwise if you make a mistake the data you typed in will be lost).  Hit the Done button when you are finished.  Add ring connection bonds with the Input/Rings/Ring Connection Bond menu item.


Windows Bitmaps

Retrieves bitmaps (.BMP, .DIB), icons (.ICO), metafiles (.WMF) and run length encoded files (.RLE).  Only one such file can be displayed at a time.  The program loads the one pixel file RAINBOW.DIB at the start to give the program 256 color capability.


Open database

Opens the database window.  It will ask you for the format (.csv, ACCESS .mdb, MDL SD File, tab-delimited text, XML etc.) and the file name of the database to open.  The database will then open with the file displayed in a spreadsheet.  For a description of the functions of the database window see its description later or consult its on-line Help menu.


The ChemicaElectrica.xml and the identical mydata.xml database come free with the program and are found in your chemelectrica directory.  You can add molecules to the mydata.xml database and keep the ChemicaElectrica database as is as a back-up.



Save structure


        Selecting this menu item causes the standard Microsoft Save Dialog box to appear.  Select the directory to save to.  Choose a file format to save to from the list at the lower left of the dialog box.

Supported file types are:


         MACROMODEL (*.dat)

         MDL Molfile (*.mol)

         Reaction files (*.rct)

         Ring files (*.rng)

         Brookhaven pdb files (*.pdb, *.ent)

         MOPAC input files (*.zmt, *.mop)

         WINDOWS bitmaps (*.bmp)

         CML (*.xml)


After selecting the format, type in the file name.  Try to use the file extensions given in the file format list (e.g. .dat for MACROMODEL files etc.).  Saving a Brookhaven pdb file with the file extension .mol will confuse MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS and cause it to be unable to read in your molecules.  The main limitation of MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS in saving molecules occurs with Brookhaven pdb files (see below).


Descriptions of the file formats are in the section above covering Opening of files.  Some additional notes on Saving these formats:



When saving files to this format, an options panel appears which the user can fill out.  Some of the options are:

Optimize geometry, standard

Optimize geometry, nllsq (minimize gradients using NLLSQ)

Perform MINDO 3 calculation (use the MINDO 3 Hamiltonian)

1SCF  (Do one SCF then stop without optimizing geometry -- good for obtaining partial charges)

BONDS - print out the final bond matrix.

DENOUT (density matrix is output)

Density (print the final density matrix)

GEO OK (override atomic distance check)

Localize (print localized orbitals)

Oldens (read initial density matrix off the disk)

Precise (Criteria to be increased by 100 x)

Pulay (Use Pulay's converger to obtain an SCF)

UHF (unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculation)

Vector (print final eigenvectors)

T = integer  (a time in seconds is requested)

Select the options you want by checking the boxes or write in additional options with the MOPAC keyword in the other box (separate items with commas).  Change the T = time to your desired time.  When done hit Done and the file will be saved with the appropriate header.  Warning: This option has not been tested extensively!


Remember to save you file to the directory where MOPAC resides and to give it the correct file name.  For instance, the MOPAC program installed with Molecular Modeling Pro Plus looks for the file name “for005.”.


Brookhaven pdb file (HETATM)

This will save the molecule so it can be read by a program that inputs Brookhaven pdb files (like RASWIN).  It saves all atoms as HETATM and all bonds as CONECT and will lose a lot of the detail of protein or nucleic acid structure normally contained in pdb files.


CML (Chemical Markup language) .  The following built in functions are supported: Atom: id, element type, x, y and z (saved as both 2-D and 3-D), and formal charge.  Bond: (atom 1, atom 2 and the bond type).  The molecule name is also stored. This output is from the specifications for version 1.01.  CML is proposed as the standard connection table file format for the internet.



Database save

Save this molecule to database

Saves the molecular structures to one of five connection table formats and calculated physical properties to one of four database formats.  The program will ask the user to supply the following information sequentially:


1)   The standard Microsoft Save dialog box appears and will ask the user to supply a connection table file name.  Select a file format from the list at the lower left of the dialog box.  Select the directory and type in a file name.  The supported file formats are MACROMODEL, MDL Molfile, Brookhaven pdb file (HETATM and CONECT key words only - residue information will be lost), MDL SD File (a database format that also contains structural information) and MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS Reaction files.  Select the SD File format if you wish to pass the database to a program like ChemFinder or ISIS Base.

2)   A text box appears for you to type in the name of molecule to be displayed in the database.

3)   If this is a new database or an SD File, a large list of phyical properties will appear.  Select the physical properties you wish to have included in the database.  With existing MAP csv files, ACCESS databases and tab delimited text files, this list will not appear, since MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will get the field names of the properties from the existing database.

4)   Finally, another Microsoft Save Dialog box will appear (unless you saved the structure as an SD File).  This time it

is requesting the format and name of the database file.  The choices for file format this time are MAP csv file, MDL SD File, ACCESS database and tab delimited text.  If you are making a file for Molecular Analysis Pro choose MAP csv file.  MDL SD Files are good for connecting to some chemical database programs (this is an industry standard format).  Tab delimited text files can be easily imported into most standard WINDOWS spread sheet and database programs.  Choose the format from the list at the lower left.  Choose the database directory and file from the lists (or type in a new name if this is a new database).


All MACROMODEL files in directory

The user selects a directory from the list which appears and also selects the database file to save the physical property data generated. The program calculates properties for all files ending with the extension .DAT and stores them in the selected database file.  If you choose to save to an existing database, the molecules will be appended to the end of the data and the program will use the list of physical properties from the database.  Otherwise, you use the “Property Selection” window to choose the properties.  Some notes on this window are listed below under “select properties to output”.  At the end of the database creation a Notepad file will appear with all of the errors generated during database creation, including lists of high strain non-bonded atom interactions.


Geometry minimizations are only performed on molecules if you select MOPAC/PM3 properties from the properties list window.  In this case a MOPAC geometry minimization will be done on all the molecules where it is possible to do so.


 All Molfiles in a directory

The user selects a directory from the list which appears and also selects the database file to save the physical property data generated. The program calculates properties for all files ending with the extension .MOL and stores them in the selected database file.


If the Molfiles contain more than one molecule, the program will do the following:

      a) It will calculate all properties selected for the first molecule encountered.  Because of this, make sure you draw in the most prevalent isomer or the molecule of most interest first.

      b) If subsequent molecules are charged or if there is only one atom in the molecule the program assumes it is dealing with the counter-ion in a salt and increases molecular weight, surface area, volume and water of hydration of the first molecule accordingly.  Most other properties of these molecules will be ignored.

      c) If subsequent molecules are not charged and contain more than one atom, the program will average the following properties of all molecules:  molecular weight, volume, surface area, HLB, Hansen's 3-D solubility parameter and the solubility parameter, water of hydration and percent hydrophilic surface.

      d) SMILES notation will note that more than one molecule is present.


If you choose to save to an existing database, the molecules will be appended to the end of the data and the program will use the list of physical properties from the database.  At the end of the database creation a Notepad file will appear with all of the errors generated during database creation, including lists of high strain non-bonded atom interactions.


Geometry minimizations are only performed on molecules if you select MOPAC/PM3 properties from the properties list window.  In this case a MOPAC geometry minimization will be done on all the molecules where it is possible to do so.



A list of MACROMODEL files

a) Create a list of MACROMODEL files and store them in an ASCII file:





b) Select the list file from the file list which appears and also select the database file to save the physical property data generated.


Make QSAR database from the molecule

This is the best and fastest option for creating a database for classical QSAR analysis.  It is the only database creation option which incorporates typical Hansch substituent parameters (pi, MR, sigma, Verloop sterimol parameters) into the data.  This routine is otherwise somewhat more limited in what molecular properties it stores.  It automatically stores molecular weight, volume, connectivity and valence indices 1-4, HLB and Hansen's 3-D solubility parameters.  It also saves SMILES structures and molecular formula.  Optionally you can store the 11 Joback and Reid thermodynamic properties and the van Krevelen type polymer calculations that MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS does. 

It will calculate the Lipinsky bioavailability parameters (polar surface area, Moriguchi Log P, hydrogen bond numbers) when the Bioavailability box is checked.  It will calculate a number of properties associated with solubility (Abraham solvation parameters, Log kow (MMP method), van Krevelen 3-D solubility parameters) and surfactants (HLB, viscosity) if the Solubility parameters box is checked.  If the Minimize box is checked it will run a MOPAC PM3 geometry minimization and also save some properties calculated by MOPAC like HOMO, LUMO, heat of formation and ionization potential.

You may also create up to 10 indicator variables.  You can only vary one, two or three substituent sites widely and 1-10 more sites in small ways with the indicator variables.

Note that if you modify three substituent sites, large databases can be created quickly.  We recommend you limit three substituent databases to no more than the first 30 substituents in the alipqsar.txt and aromqsar.txt files. A 27000 molecule database would be created if you select 30 molecules (30 cubed).  In the example below. a two substituent site database generates 50x50 =2500 molecules.




     The reason this method can create fairly large databases quickly, is that only one molecule has to be drawn.  Draw the template molecule, minus any substituents other than hydrogen.  Then select this option.  Click on one, two or three substituent sites (or hydrogens to be replaced by substituents) when prompted by the program.  The program will determine whether the site is aromatic or aliphatic.  You also must select the name and directory of the database file.  It is possible to merge the newly created molecules into an existing database.  This makes it possible to vary more than two substituent sites.  The program will ask you whether you want to merge the data or not if you choose to save the data  to an existing file.  If you only vary one substituent site you also will be asked to choose the first three letters of the connection table file names.  This feature is there for handy file erasing at a later time (e.g. del bnz*.dat).

     If you are varying one substituent, then MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will create a database of all the substituents found in the file AromQSAR.txt (aromatic substituents) or AlipQSAR.txt (aliphatic substituents).  These ASCII text files can be added to or modified by the user with the Microsoft Notepad program. 

      Indicator variables are particularly useful for substituent sites where you will have very few differences.  For instance if you have a site that only uses hydrogen and chlorine as substituents you may want to create an indicator variable for chlorine.  The values would be 0 for hydrogen and 1 for chlorine.  If you then create a database where you widely vary two other sites you can create the database varying all three sites by first constructing the substructure to hydrogen and running the database creation program as usual, but instructing the program to create 1 indicator variable.  Then after the database is created, change the hydrogen to chlorine and run the QSAR database creation routine again, this time merging the data instead of creating a new database.  If you have three substituent types at the same position (say H, F and Cl) you probably should create two indicator variables - one for F and one for Cl.  You could, perhaps have an indicator variable that is not only 1 or 0 too, for instance in a polymer system, the variable could be number of monomer units and two indicator variables could take care of different monomers in a copolymer.


The program does a quick conformational analysis when adding the substituents to the substructure.  It checks for the conformation with the lowest unbonded atom overlap and also checks for positive contributions from hydrogen bonds at 30 degree rotational increments.  This should result in a roughly optimized molecule geometry.  Some additional optimization could be obtained by minimizing all the molecule in the directory by checking the MOPAC option in the Options window above.


SMILES Notation from all molecules in a directory

Creates a list of SMILES structures in an ASCII file called "Smiles.txt" for all the molecules in a directory.  Each line contains one SMILES structure.



Print molecule

Print Graphics

Draws a black and white or color image to the printer.  The quality of this image is likely to be better than the screen print below.  The options selected for current screen display will be used with the printer.


Screen Print

Does a screen print using an on-line printer in color (if supported by the printer).


Entire Directory (.Dat, .Mol)

All the molecules (*.dat, *.mol) in the selected directory will be printed to the local printer (select with the WINDOWS Control Panel/Printers).  The print out will be in black and white and will include the molecule name.  An example of the output is Appendix 2 of this manual.


Initialize Links

Allows you to change the links (file locations) for cooperating

programs like NotePad, ChemSite, MOPAC and RASWIN.



Quits the MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS program.  Remember to save your molecules before quitting!




Copy to clipboard

MDL Molfile

Copies an MDL Molfile to the text portion of the clipboard.  The Paste MDL Molfile from Clipboard menu item will take this connection table and input it as a new molecule.  This molfile can be used by a number of other programs and internet applications.



Does a screen print to the clipboard.  This picture can be used by any WINDOWS program which can paste in a bit map.  For instance, in Microsoft WORD for WINDOWS position your cursor to where you want to add the picture, select  paste from the edit menu and the bit map should appear in your document.  You might have to clear  the clipboard contents before this will work.


CML - copies the structure to the text portion of the clipboard using the CML (Chemical Markup Language) format.  For more information on this format see .



Paste from clipboard

MDL Molfile

Pastes an MDL Molfile from the text portion of the clipboard into Molecular Modeling Pro Plus.  Other programs, such as Chemsite and Chemistry 4-D Draw are capable of placing Molfiles on the clipboard.



Pastes the current graphics on the clipboard onto the Molecular Modeling Pro Plus screen


CML - pastes the structure from the text portion of the clipboard using the CML (Chemical Markup Language) format.  For more information on this format see .


Clone  molecule

Selection of this item will cause the program to copy a molecule.  If there is more than one molecule on the screen, the user chooses the molecule to copy from a menu of molecule names.


Delete molecule

Selection of this item initiates deletion of a single molecule.  The user select the molecule to delete from a menu of molecule names.


Insert Text

After selecting this item, the viewer clicks on the screen to insert text there.  Text will begin below the place clicked on.  The viewer types his text onto the screen.  Text font size and color is controlled with the Draw/Fontsize and Draw/Color/ Set text color options.


Bulletted text list

You can display a title and up to 10 bulletted text items anywhere on the screen.  Select the font and font color with the routines under the Format menu.  Then select this item and follow the instructions.  You may wish to return the font to Microsoft Sans Serif, size 8.5 (the default).


Name the molecule

Assigns a name to the molecule.




Changes the font, font size, font color for the screen or printer.


Set background color

The user selects the background color by clicking on a color, or selecting some custom color.


Set text color

Click on a color to set the text, frame, arrow and graphics objects colors.  Also determines the colors of the sticks in ball and stick models.


Make molecule a color

The user selects the color of one of the molecules by clicking on a color.  This option is especially useful for docking two molecules on each other.


Color molecule by charge

Colors atoms by partial charges:

     blue: most positive

     green: somewhat positive

     white: neutral        

     yellow:  somewhat negative

     red: most negative


If the rotation option is set to rotate only one molecule, then the user is asked to select which molecule to color.  This makes it possible to color one molecule on the screen by charge, and other molecules by normal color or lipophilicity.


Color molecule by lipophilicity

Colors atoms by lipophilicity.  Calculates this value based on the HLB concept (regions of water and oil solubility):

     dark blue: most lipid soluble

     light blue: somewhat lipid soluble

     white: intermediate

     light bright red: somewhat water soluble

     dark red: most water soluble


If the rotation option is set to rotate only one molecule, then the user is asked to select which molecule to color.  This makes it possible to color one molecule on the screen by lipophilicity, and other molecules by normal color or charge.


Color molecule by residue

The molecules will be colored by residue.  This works with molecules read in from Brookhaven pdb files, MACROMODEL files which contain this information, or molecules created with the amino acid or monomer tools.  If there are multiple molecules present, the different molecules will also get different colors.


Restore molecule colors

Restores molecules to default atom colors.


Set atom color

Click on a color or choose a custom color for an atom type (e.g. carbon normally green).  Changes will be registered in the file Moldat.txt and will be saved for future use until you change the color again. If you changed carbon to gray, then all carbon atoms will be colored gray unless changed with one of the options above.


Size by charge

The atoms in the molecules will be sized by partial charge after selecting this option.  If you have calculated CNDO charges or read in charges from a MACROMODEL file then these charges will be used.  Otherwise the program uses the modfied DelRe method to calculate the charges.  The formula used for calculating the radius of the spheres displayed is:


                   radius in angstroms = Abs(atomic partial charge * 10)


          where charge = 1 if on average the atom is cationic and missing an      electron, -1 if anionic, and some fraction of 1 normally.



Reactor (Reaction editor)

The reaction and mixture editor has two functions.  First, some stoichiometric calculations can be performed, such as predicting the amount of product or determining whether the reaction proportions are balanced.  Second, the editor is a simplified way of arranging the molecules in a drawing of the reaction.  The functions of the reaction editor are:

a) a "Main" spreadsheet grid contains the names of the molecules, whether they are reactant, intermediate,  or product, the molecular weight, ratio added, moles added and grams added or obtained in the reaction.  Editing these columns has the following effects:

I) changing the name of molecule will change the name used throughout the MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS program for the particular molecule.

ii) double clicking or hitting any alphanumeric key changes the result in the second column from starting material to intermediate to product and back again.

iii) changing the molecular weight (MW) changes the MW used throughout the program, including when the molecule is saved to a database.

iv) changing the reaction proportions causes a recalculation of the moles added and grams added/produced, as well as a reevaluation of whether the reaction ratios are balanced.

v) changing the moles used/produced or grams used/produced causes all of the moles and grams calculations for all molecules to change to the correct amount based on the reaction ratios and molecular weights.  It also changes all the values in the solution spread sheet.

b) a "Solution" spread sheet grid with the following columns:

i) changing the name of molecule will change the name used throughout the MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS program for the particular molecule.

ii) % (w/v) is the percent of the material per total volume.

iii) ppm is the parts per million of the compound (mg/L)

iv) molarity is the moles/liter of the compound Changing any of fields ii-iv will cause the results for the other fields and for the grams and moles fields in the Main spread sheet to change for this compound.

c) a text box to indicate the total reaction volume.  Changing this number will also change all the values in the "Solution" spread sheet.

d) Filling in the above and below arrow text boxes will instruct the program what to type above and below the reaction arrow if you hit the Draw button.  The arrow 2 boxes only apply if you have an intermediate product designated.

e) Hitting the Done button quits the reaction editor.

f)  Hitting the Draw button causes the program to draw the reaction as currently specified in the spreadsheet.  The reaction editor is quit and the reaction drawn in the Drawing form.  Print out the reaction with the File/Print/Screen Print menu combination or save it as a bitmap.

g) The Print button will do a screen print of the Reaction editor.

h) The Get button will get a reaction stored with the Save button.  Molecules currently in memory are erased.

i) The Save button saves the reaction molecules, and some features of the reaction such as identification of starting materials and product, ratios, and arrow text.

j) The Units button allows you to change the units of mass and volume displayed by the program.  Units of volume supported are hectoliters, liters, milliliters, microliters, gallons and fluid ounces.  Units of mass supported are metric tons, kilograms, grams, milligrams, micrograms, English tons, pounds and ounces.

k) The Info button brings up another panel of text data.  This data is stored and retrieved with the reaction.  The field are molecule name, trade name, manufacturer, CAS number, molecular formula and percent composition (if a reactant or mixture ingredient).  Hitting the Info button again brings back the Main grid panel.

l) The Props button covers the solution grid with the properties grid.  Hitting this button again, swaps these grids again.  Some information on the total HLB of the mixtures of molecules appears below the properties panel.  The molecule name, molecular volume, HLB and Hansen 3-D solubility parameter for each molecule are displayed in the properties grid.  Changing the mixture ratio in the Main grid will change the total HLB values displayed in the total properties box.


Tutorial D covers the reaction editor in more detail.


Add amino acid

A small window appears with the 3 letter codes for the various amino acids.  Select the geometry of the acid by clicking on one of the 4 buttons at the top, then click on the amino acid code.  The amino acid selected will be drawn on the screen.  If you wish to connect it to a previously drawn molecule hit the “Connect” button on the main drawing window, and click on the two atoms to be connected.  If you would like the amino acid residues to connect automatically then check the "Build polypeptide" box.  After checking this box, every time you select an amino acid it will be added to the chain.  The amino group from the new residue is added to the carbonyl from the last amino acid selected.


The geometry of the connections is set by selecting the helix, sheet, turn or specify buttons.


The geometries are derived from measuring dihedral angles in proteins: 


Torsional bond           helix            sheeet           turn             specify

C-N-CO-C                  180             180             180             you set

CO-C-N-CO               282             240             6                 you set

N-CO-C-N                  326             144             87               you set


You can also color the molecules already on the screen and those to be drawn by this tool by residue, structural type, molecule (subunit, chain), or by the normal colors.  Check boxes at the bottom of the amino acid tool window control these coloring schemes.  Each amino acid is defined as a residue, so coloring by residue will give each amino acid or monomer a different color.  This works with residues input from MacroModel or Brookhaven files too.  Coloring by structural type (helix, sheet, turn or other) works with files input from the Brookhaven protein database as well as with this tool.  The colors used are magenta for helices, yellow for sheets, blue for turns and white for other.



Add monomer

A small window appears with the name of the polymer to be drawn.  Some of these names are abbreviations:

      PEG = polyethylene glycol                 PPG = polypropyleneglycol

      MMA=polymethylmethacrylate PVC=polyvinylchloride

      PET=polyethylene terephthalate

      DNA-A deoxyribonucleic acid, adenoside

      DNA-C = deoxyribonucleic acid, cytosine

      DNA-G deoxyribonucleic acid, guanine

      DNA-T = deoxyribonucleic acid, thymine

Clicking on the "Build polymer" check box and one of the monomers will cause the monomer to be automatically added to the highest numbered atom of any existing molecule, as long as a valence is free.  The addition occurs at the lowest numbered atom of the monomer added.  Addition of several monomers at once is possible by checking the continuous addition check box and typing a number in the 'number of monomers' text box.  The atom limit for Molecular Modeling Pro Plus is 4000.


Huckel Molecular Orbital Theory

A simple LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals) method for the calculation of energy due to pi orbitals and bonds.  The partial charges, bond strength, molecular stability and other properties can be estimated quickly in conjugated and aromatic systems using this method.  It assumes that the contributions of sigma orbitals and bonds are negligible and so is not so useful for molecules high in saturation.  It also assumes that the conjugated pi system is planar.  It is quite useful in predicting properties of different aromatic systems such as benzene or naphthalene and conjugated systems such as butadiene.


MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS accurately calculates the  alpha and beta energy terms, the bond order terms, the pi electron density around each atom and the pi partial charge contribution for hydrocarbons.  It also calculates these terms for a limited number of heteroatoms including single and double bonded oxygen, nitrogen in aromatic rings and in amide groups and has some additional terms for special cases of N, S and P.  These terms come from references 1 and 3 below.


The option to used "extended" Huckel theory (also known as the Hoffman method) is included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  The extended method uses the x,y,z coordinates instead of the bonds to set up the matrices.  Like CNDO, it  knows nothing of bonds, just atom locations and atom types.  It is not limited to aromatic and conjugated pi systems, but can be used for any atom in the first 3 rows of the periodic table.  It quickly calculates HOMO and LUMO values, electron densities, partial charge, total energy and dipole moment.  The partial charges and dipole moments calculated by this method are usually too high. Extended Huckel calculations are used by CNDO as the starting point for calculations.




1.  Andrew Streitwieser Jr., 1961,  "Molecular Orbital Theory for Organic Chemists,", John Wiley and Sons, New York, London


2.  K. Jeffrey Johnson, 1980, "Numerical Methods in Chemistry", Marcel Dekker Inc., New York and Basel


3.  W.P. Purcell and J.A. Singer, 1967, "A brief review and table of semiempirical parameters used in the Huckel Molecular Orbital Method", J. Chem. Eng. Data 12: 235


4.  N. Trinajstic, 1992, "Chemical Graph Theory", CRC Press, Boca Raton FL


5.  R. Hoffman, J. Chem. Phys. 39: 1397 (1963)



A semiempirical quantum chemistry program that I have used  in my research to calculate partial charges and dipole moments.  CNDO stands for 'Complete neglect of differential overlap'.  It is less rigorous then INDO or MNDO.  Both programs are known as semi-empirical because they are based on a mixture of first principles of chemistry and physics with experimental results that are used to determine the Hamiltonians.    Programs doing quantum chemistry based only on first principles are known as 'ab-initio' calculations.   CNDO uses two main approximations that deviate from ab-initio:  a)  a core approximation  and b) the zero-differential overlap approximation.  CNDO, INDO and MNDO are examples of "Self consistent field theory", which obtain the results by solving simultaneous non-linear  equations iteratively until the results between two iterations are close.   CNDO knows nothing of bonds and calculates pure wave functions based on atom location and atom type.  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS uses a version of CNDO known as CNDO/2.


CNDO is found in the Tools menu of MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.


 Molecular Modeling Pro Plus calculates partial charges  and dipole moments using  either CNDO or a completely empirical (experiment-based) model (a modified Del Re method).  CNDO is slower than the other method, but probably gives more reliable answers.  The "closed" shell method is faster than the "open" shell method for calculating CNDO results, but the mathematics is less rigorous.  CNDO also reports the total energy and binding energy of a molecule.  If the closed shell method is chosen it reports the eigenvalues from which HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) and LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) energy levels can be determined:


Eigenvalues (energy levels) for chloroethane:

-1.5104 -1.1402 -1.004  -.90667 -.8089  -.70532 -.63821 -.56419

1           2         3          4          5          6          7          8   


-.51512  -.51362  .099803 .22428  .23891  .26694  .26879  .28066

9            10         11         12        13         14         15       16


.29986  .30499  .31842  .36986  .37868 .39477 

17         18         19        20        21        22     


The HOMO value in the above example is the last negative value

(-0.51362).  There are 20 valence electrons in chloroethane, with two electrons/orbital.  Thus the tenth eigenvalue is the HOMO (20 divided by 2 =10) and the eleventh eigenvalue is the LUMO value (.099803).


If open shell is chosen, the results of the matrices used in calculating the results are reported.   Consult a specialist in quantum mechanics to interpret these results.  If you have ionic species present then use the Open shell method.  The partial charges and dipole moment are at the end of the file.  The file is called "CNDO.TXT".  It is an ASCII file that can be stored and read later.  If you have not changed the name of your word processing application in the file “moldat.txt”, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will attempt to open a Microsoft Notepad file to read CNDO.TXT.  If the file is greater than 64 kilobytes in size Notepad cannot read it and you must use a word processor capable of reading larger files to read the results (WordPad usually opens automatically for larger files after a prompt).  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS's CNDO can handle only molecules of 75 atoms or less and cannot handle any atoms with atomic numbers greater than 18.  The modified DelRe method can handle larger molecules and some atoms with higher atomic numbers (Br, I),  but cannot handle some of the metal atom types handled by CNDO.


You also have the option of using the INDO procedure instead of CNDO.  INDO stands for “intermediate neglect of differential overlap”.

INDO is only parameterized for atoms with atomic numbers less than 9, so cannot be used for molecules with P, S or Cl in them.  If you want to obtain coupling constants for the atoms in a molecule, than INDO will list this result with the partial charges at the end of the file. 


CNDO has been used to determine optimum bond lengths and angles.  The conformation with the lowest total energy is the most stable.  Manually changing bond angles or lengths with the Change Reference bond lengths and angles option in the Geometry menu, then running CNDO could be useful for this. 


CNDO is very sensitive to geometry.  It may not converge if the geometry of a molecule is far from ideal, especially if there is severe non-bonded overlap.  If you have this problem, minimize the molecule or run a conformational analysis before running CNDO.  Even with nearly optimum geometry, you may occasionally run into a problem with non-convergence (with resulting unbelievably large partial charges and dipole moments).  Try rotating a bond slightly and running the program again.


After running CNDO, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will keep track of the partial charges and dipole moment.   The option to color the molecule by partial charges will result in the CNDO charges being displayed, instead of the modified DelRe charges.  If you attempt to save the molecule to a database, then  the program will save dipole moments and hydrogen bond acceptor and donor terms calculated with CNDO.  The connection table would be saved as a modified MACROMODEL file with the extension *.mpc. 


If you use CNDO and save a MACROMODEL file with the extension *.mpc, then the partial charges will be stored in a column used by MACROMODEL for other things.  If you read in a MACROMODEL file with this file extension, then MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will read this column in as partial charges. 


During the batch creation of a database of all MACROMODEL files in a directory, if you check the "Use CNDO for dipole and HB terms" box near the bottom of the Property Selection window, then MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will use CNDO to calculate these properties.  Note that for larger molecules this can be very time consuming (also remember that CNDO has a 75 atom limit).  It uses the "Closed shell" version of CNDO for this operation.


Charge can also be used to calculate the log octanol water partition coefficient (log P, Log Kow) .  A method was recently published by K.F. Moschner and A. Cece (1995) that used Gasteiger-Huckel charges and other atomic properties to calculate Log Kow.  We have modified this method to work with CNDO (the regression coefficients were changed somewhat, and terms were added for aliphatic F, aliphatic Cl, and charge on sulfur).  The r squared for our model was 0.90 and the model standard deviation was 0.54.  The closed method of CNDO was used.


Calculating dipole moments from the Calculate menu uses the modified DelRe method, not CNDO.


For more on CNDO:

J. Pople and D. Beveridge, Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory, Mc Graw-Hill, 1970.

J. Pople and G.A. Segal, J. Chem. Phys., 43: 8136 (1965)

J. Pople and G.A. Segal, J. Chem. Phys., 44: 3289 (1966)

D.P. Santry and G.A. Segal, J. Chem. Phys., 47:158 (1967)

Raymond Daudel, Georges Leroy, Daniel Peeters and Michel Sana, Quantum Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983.


For a historical overview of the development of self consistent field theory, MNDO and AM1 see M.J.S. Dewar, J. Mol. Structure, 100:41 (1983).


The log P method referred to is in Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment - Third Volume, ASTM STP 1218, J.S. Hughes, G.R. Biddinger and E. Mones eds., Amercian Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1995.




A  public domain version of MOPAC version 6 is included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  The program was written by J. Stewart and F. Seiler at the Air Force Academy and compiled for 32 bit WINDOWS by Victor Lobanov at the University of Florida.  The size limit for this program is currently 150 non-hydrogen atoms plus 200 hydrogens.


MOPAC should interact with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS without having to set up links to it (MMP+ takes care of this).  If this is not the case, do the following: Open MMP+.  On the Files menu select Initialize Links.  Set the three MOPAC links to:

Executable File = “c:\ your MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS path\mopac.exe"

Input File Name = "c:\your MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS path\for005.”

Output File Name =”c:\your MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS path\for005.mno”

These links are stored in the file moldat.txt.


After the links are set up, you will be able to run MOPAC from within the MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS environment by clicking on this menu item.  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will send the molecules that are currently displayed to MOPAC for geometry optimization, calculation of charges, calculation of physical and thermodynamic properties or other user specified options.  The default will result in MNDO geometry optimization and calculation of charges and dipole moment.  Other properties calculated include heat of formation, electronic energy, core-core repulsion and ionization potential. When the MOPAC job is finished, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will, at the user’s request, read in the geometry changes and charges.  If MOPAC does not return any geometry, the molecule will appear to be erased.  Restore the pre-MOPAC structure from by selecting the Undo menu item on the Edit menu.


Using MOPAC with charged species:  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will make an automatic assignment for the keywords CHARGE and BIRADICAL.  You can change these assignments in the MOPAC set up window that appears after selecting MOPAC from the Tools menu.  We recommend running an MM2 minimization before running MOPAC if the molecule contains typical organic atoms (H,C,N,O,F,S,Cl,Br).  Do not run MM2 on a biradical molecule with a halogen counterion as MM2 is unable to handle these molecules (minimize before adding the counterion).


Atom types supported by MOPAC v. 6 methods:

MNDO: H, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Cr, Zn, Ge, Br, Sn, I, Hg, Pb

MINDO: H, C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl

AM1: H, B, C, N, O, F, Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Zn, Ge, Br, I, Hg

PM3: H, C, N, O, F, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, I, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi


Key words accessed through the Check Boxes

·        1SCF - Does one SCF (self consistent field) and quits.  Good to use if your geometry is already optimized and you just want to print out charges and dipole.

·        GEO OK - allows very short bond lengths as in a hydrogen molecule (H2)

·        PRECISE - increases the precision of the calculations a hundred fold.

·        DENSITY - causes the final density matrix to be printed out.

·        BONDS - prints out the final bond order matrix - useful in determining bond strength.  The diagonal of the matrix contains the atomic valences.

·        FORCE - The force constants for the molecule are printed out as well as the moments of inertia.

·        SYMMETRY  - the user types in SYMMETRY constraints.  Consult the MOPAC manual for more information.  In the example below, two symmetry constraints are defined, both involving atom number 3. In the first symmetry contraint atom 3 is constrained by type 1 (bond length set equal to the reference bond length) with the reference being atom 5.  In the second constraint, atom 3 is constrained by type 2 (bond angle equal to the reference bond angle) with the reference being atom 5 once again.  This sets the two hydrogens as equivalents.


Example - file created with SYMMETRY key word for fomaldehyde


molecule 1

MOPAC calculations:


 C  001.1062   1

 H  001.1062   1  123.5152   1

 XX 001.6090   1  109.4712   1  180.0000   1  3  2  1

 H  001.1062   1  112.9740   1  000.0000   1  2  3  4

 XX 002.0920   1  123.4915   1  180.0000   1  2  3  4

 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0

3 1 5

3 2 5


·        THERMO - Thermodynamics calculations can be performed on molecules.  The key words FORCE and ROT also must be included. The combination of these three key words will give the user additional thermodynamic property calculations: internal energy, heat capacity, partition function and entropy for translation, rotation and vibrational energy over a range of temperatures.

·        VECTORS - Prints out the eighenvectors.


·        ROT = n (where n = the symmetry number of the molecule). Examples of symmetry numbers:

C1 CI CS       1       D2 D2D D2H   4      C(INF)V  1

C2 C2V C2H 2       D3 D3D D3H   6      D(INF)H  2

C3 C3V C3H 3       D4 D4D D4H   8      T TD        12

C4 C4V C4H 4       D6 D6D D6H 12      OH           24

C6 C6V C6H 6       S6                    3


ROT is a necessary key word for thermodynamics calculations (see THERMO above)

·        UHF  - The unrestricted Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian is used.

·        POLAR - the polarizability and first and second hyperpolarizabilities are to be calculated.

·        List reaction Coordinates - the user will be prompted for a reaction center and reaction coordinates (see MOPAC manual for explanation)


Some other MOPAC key words

Many of the MOPAC key words are handled by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  However, additional key words can be typed in by the user in the window that appears after you select MOPAC from the Tools menu.  If you wish to type more than one key word, simply leave a space between the words.  Here is a description of some of the key words.


·        BIRADICAL - some biradical molecules will not optimize without this keyword.  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS detects some of these molecules and automatically adds the key word in those cases.  You may delete the BIRADICAL key word in cases where you think the calculation would be better without it.

·        DENOUT - prints a density matrix file out for use by the QCPE program DENSITY.

·        ISOTOPE - Prints out the Force matrix to a file for use by some programs.

·        MECI - prints out the details of the Multi Electron Configuration Interaction.  If you also check VECTORS it will print the state vectors.

·        SADDLE - determines a transition state - not fully supported by Molecular Modeling Pro Plus yet.


More uses of MOPAC

MOPAC has many additional capabilities.  For instance, to find homolytic bond dissociation energies calculate the heat of formation of the parent molecule and the two fragments formed by breaking the bond.  Subtract the heat of formation of the parent from the sum of the heat of formation of the two fragments.  Make sure you add the charges to the the ionic fragments (+ and – buttons at lower left of the drawing window).  By following this MOPAC procedure for all the bonds in a molecule, the least stable bond can be determined.  An automated process has been added to MMP Plus to calculate the bond dissociation energy for all the bonds in a molecule. Numerous other useful methods are described in the literature and can be found by an internet search.


Image Processor

The Image Processor is a tool for enhancing images and saving them as WINDOWS bitmaps, JPEG files and HTML web pages.  It includes a Java Script generator that allows you to depict rotating molecules within an HTML web page.


The Image Processor is accessed through the Tools menu.


The Image Processor Window appears after selecting the menu item.  In it is the currently drawn molecule and any other graphics depicted in the Drawing Window.  From the Edit menu of the Image Processor you can crop an image, resize an image, adjust its brightness and contrast and add text.  You can overlay one image on top of another with user selected transparency from the Edit window.  From the File menu of the Image Processor window you can Open and Save Images in bitmap or JPEG format.


Also from the File menu you can create HTML pages.  Before creating an HTML page add text, crop and adjust brightness and contrast.  Here are instructions for creating a web page contatining a rotating image.


1) Draw the molecule in the drawing screen.

2) Select the Image Processor from the Tools menu.

3) Add text to the drawing in the Image Processor Window.  Select "Add Text" from the Edit menu.  Type in the text in the Text Editor.  Click on the Font button and select the font and font size you desire.  Hit the Done button.  Hold down the left mouse button and drag the text to where you want it.  Do not worry about the image being covered up.  When the text is where you want it, release the left mouse button.  If you do not like the result, hit the Undo button on the Edit menu.

4) Choose "Crop" from the bottom of the Edit menu.  Draw the box around the part of the image you want to keep with the mouse.  To do push down the left mouse button at the upper left corner and drag the cursor to the lower right corner while holding the mouse button down.  Release the button at the lower right corner.

5) Choose "Save as HTML" from the File menu.  When prompted choose a file name for the HTML page.

6) The HTML Editor appears. This window allows you to add corporate logos, a title, text above and below the main image, create a rotating molecule, add buttons to the page and a mail link.  All of what is described below is optional.  If you do nothing but hit the "Done" and HTML page will be created with nothing more on it than what appears in the Image Processor Window. From top to bottom of this window, here is what you can do with this window.

a)  You can set the background color for the entire page from the Options menu at the top of the HTML Editing window.

b)  In the text box labeled "URL for logo graphics at the top" you can place a link to an image of your corporate or university logo.  For example if you place this image in the subdirectory /gif and the logo graphics file is named mycollege.gif you would type in gif/mycollege.gif in this box.  If left blank, the program will ignore this part of the HTML page creation.

c)  "Title of Page":  Type in the Title.  Select the font button to change the background color for the title, the text color, the font and the font size.  The Title appears between the corporate logo graphics and any text you type in above the main image.

d)  "Link (URL) to attach to the Drawing".  If you assign a link, then clicking on the main image will send the user to the designated URL.  For instance, if you type "" here then clicking on the main image of the molecule will send one to the Norgwyn Montgomery Software home page.

e)  "Text above drawing".  You can type in text here that will appear above the drawing of the molecule, for instance a description of its use.  The font, font size, font color and font background color can be selected by clicking the "Font" button to the right of the text box.

f) "Text below drawing":  Places text below the image.  Click on Font to change the font.

g)  "Add these links to the bottom of the page":  This adds buttons to the bottom of the page which when clicked will send the user to some other URL.  For Instance, typing "HOME" in the captions column and "" in the URL column will place at button below the image and text labeled "HOME" that when clicked will send one to the Norgwyn Montgomery Software home page.  You can add several buttons.

h) If you want a mail link on the page, check the check box and type in the e-mail address.

i) "Animate Molecule" check box.  If you check this, Java Script will be written that makes the molecule depicted in the image rotate around the Y axis.  Speed of rotation is a function of image size (the smaller the faster it rotates).  The molecule Display mode will be the one selected in the Drawing window.


Make substructure keys

This option creates a substructure keys file for all molecules in a directory (*.dat, *.mol) for use with the substructure and reaction search options in the Calculate menu and stores the result in a file called MMP.SSF in the directory that the connection tables are in.  The substructure keys file is actually another database that can be used for modeling physical properties.  The 118 keys and 10 molecular properties stored in the ssf file can be read into a statistical program, combined with experimental values and analyzed with PLS or another regression technique to come up with a model.  See the database tutorial part 17 for more information.


Substructure Search

Draw a template substructure to the screen.  Then select this option.  The program searches the substructure keys file in the directory chosen for similar number of atoms and similar key fragments with the keys for your substructure.  If the directory does not contain a keys file then the program must first create one (this will take a little time).  After doing this, the program will ask you if you want to make a more exhaustive search.  If you answer yes, the program will search all the connection tables pointed to by the keys file to make sure that all the atoms included in the substructure drawn on the screen are matched.   Note that this could take some time if your directory contains thousands of compounds.  The list of molecules found to match is displayed.  You may select a molecule from the list to edit or analyze.  The list stays in memory and can be displayed again with the Show Search Results option below.  The maximum number of hits found can be 2500, but the number of compounds searched is limited by memory only. 


Reaction Search

Draw a template substructure to the screen.  Then select this option.  The program searches the substructure keys file in the directory chosen for similar number of atoms and similar key fragments with the keys for your substructure.  If the directory does not contain a keys file then the program must first create one (this will take a little time).  The program then goes through all of the reaction file (*.rct) to see if any of the matched molecules are contained in the reactions in the directory.  If so, the names of the reactions are displayed.  You can select one of the reaction for analysis or editing.  The list of matches stays in memory and can be displayed again with the Show Search Results option below.


Similarity Search

Draw a molecule on the screen.  A screen containing some options will appear.  Choose the percent similarity minimum that you wish.  If you get too many or too few hits, you may want to rerun the search with a higher or lower value.  You can also pre-filter data for a range of molecular weights or a range of % hydrophilic surfaces.  For instance if you only want small lipophilic molecules, you could set the maximum molecular weight to 200 and the maximum % hydrophilic surface area to 25. 

The program will then search a SSF file of your choosing for similarity of your molecule to all the molecules in the file.  It uses the keys used in substructure searching plus the 1,2 and 3 connectivity and valence indices, the kappa 2 shape index, molecular volume and percent hydrophilic surface for determining similarity.  The results are displayed in a list at the end of the search and also by the Show Search Results option below.


Show Search Results

This option displays the matches from the Substructure Search, Reaction Search or Similarity Search menu items above.  Clicking on one of the matches and the Display button will display the molecule or reaction selected in the list.  Clicking on the Print button will print out drawings of all the structures in the list with their names.  You can delete a molecule from the list with the Delete button so it will not be printed out. 




Rotates one or all of the molecules on the screen along the x axis.  The user can type in a value in the text box and select the DONE button to rotate the molecule by a specific amount.  Secondly, the user can simply select the DONE button without typing to rotate the molecule 90 degrees.  Thirdly, the user can select AUTOROTATE to start the molecule rotating.  This activates the X, Y, Z, Quit, Stop, Trans z, <, and > buttons which are described below.


Rotate command buttons:


Quit:  Ends the rotation routine and reactivates the Rotate menu.


X:  Changes the rotation to the x axis, and starts the molecule rotating.


Y:  Changes the rotation to the y axis, and starts the molecule rotating.


Z:  Changes the rotation to the z axis and starts the molecule rotating


Reverse:  Reverses the direction of x,y, or z rotation or z translation.


>:   Increases the angular interval and thus speeds the apparent speed of rotation.  The default angle is 5 degrees.  Each time > button is hit, the interval doubles.


<:  Decreases the angular interval and thus slows the apparent speed of rotation.  Each time the < button is hit, the interval is halved.


Trans z:  This button is visible only when Perspective or Clipping is selected from the Display menu.  It changes the z coordinates of the rotating molecules and stops the rotation.  In other words, it moves the molecules in or out of the screen.


Stop:  Stops rotations and translations, without leaving the rotation routine.


While the rotation options are activated, it is possible to perform most of the other MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS operations.  For instance, you can add an atom to a molecule while it is rotating.  If Moments of Inertia (Calculate menu) are checked then they will be displayed and updated as the molecule rotates.



Acts like the X button, but rotates one or all molecules along the y axis.



Acts like the Y button, but rotates one or all molecules along the z axis.



Rotates a bond.  The user selects the two atoms to rotate by clicking on them when requested.  If there are less than four consecutive atoms in a molecule, no rotation is possible and the program does not execute this routine.  The program will also refuse to rotate a ring bond.  As with other rotation options, the user can type in the desired degrees of rotation in the text box by changing the 90 to the desired angle and selecting DONE.  Alternatively, the user can select AUTOROTATE which will start the bond rotating and activate the following command buttons and features:


Quit:  Ends the bond rotation routine and reactivates the Rotate menu.


Reverse:  Reverses the direction of bond rotation.


>:   Increases the angular interval and thus speeds the apparent speed of rotation.  The default angle is 5 degrees.  Each time > button is hit, the interval doubles.


<:  Decreases the angular interval and thus slows the apparent speed of rotation.  Each time the < button is hit, the interval is halved.


Strain:  This button turns on and off a routine which calculates increases in energy due to atom overlap of rotating atoms, coulombic charge interactions or going through torsional barriers.  The strain is in kcal/mole.  Low energies are preferred conformations.  The atom overlap routine is from the minimizer in MOLY.  The torsional barriers are, and are limited to combinations of O, N, S, C=C,C=N,C=O,C=S, aromatic ring, or a default value for everything else.  Extended conjugations are not searched for (it searches for bonds and atoms adjacent to the two atoms attached to the rotating bonds), so torsional barriers may be slightly overestimated.  The result is displayed in a box at the top of the screen.  If two molecules overlap, the unbonded strain will reflect this.  If you do not want to include intermolecular strain then move the molecule whose bond is rotating away from the other molecules.


Stop:  Stops rotations without quitting the rotation routine.  This makes it convenient to make a change in the molecule or perform some other operation and then resume bond rotation.


In addition, the function of the interatomic distance, angle and dihedral angle routines (under the Calculate menu) change when bond rotation is selected.  The values are continuously updated in a box while the molecule rotates.  This is way the dihedral angle of an atom attached to the rotating bond can be monitored. 


Rotation Options

The user specifies by clicking on check boxes, whether the x, y and z rotations apply to one molecule or all of them.  In addition,  the user selects if the axis of x, y or z rotation is determined by the center of the molecule or the center of the screen.   Selecting center of the molecule usually gives the best result. However if the orientation of two molecules to each other is important, then select center of the screen.




          Note on calculations:   The calculations vary in reliability.  You may want to consult the literature references listed to get an idea of the training sets used in calculating a property.  If your molecule does not resemble the molecule in the training set, then its predicted property is less likely to be correct.  One logical way to correct for property miscalculations is if you have an experimental value for a related compound, draw in the related compound and predict its property.  Then add the difference between the experimental and predicted value to the molecules for which you wish to calculate values.  A table listing reliability of some of the properties is found near the end of this manual.


Interatomic distance

The user clicks on any two molecules on the screen when requested.  The program returns the distance between the atoms in angstroms.  The display is either in a message box, or, if the bond rotate routine is in effect, displays the value in a text box at the top of the screen which is updated as the bond rotates.


Incidentally, here are some of the references used to determine the correct bond lengths:


1) CRC's Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (g. 69th edition p. F-158)

2) The bond order-bond length relationship by J.P. Paolini (J. Computational Chem., 11: 1160-1163

3) Valency and Molecular Structure, Fourth edition, by F. Cartmell and G.W.A. Fowles, Butterworths (from this was found, besides bond lengths for various pairs a calculation method called the Schomaker-Stevenson relationship which allows the calculation of bond lengths when they are not known:


                bond length = r(a) + r(b) -0.09*(difference in electronegativity)

                where r(a) and r(b) are the covalent radii of the atoms and                        electronegativity values of elements are from Pauling.



Three atoms are clicked on (the center atom in the angle is clicked on second) when requested by the program.  The program will return the value in an information box, or, if bond rotation is activated, will return the answer (in degrees) in a text box at the top right and update the value as the bond rotates.


Dihedral angle

Four atoms are clicked on when requested by the program.  The program will return the value in an information box, or, if bond rotation is activated, will return the answer (in degrees) in a text box at the top right and update the value as the bond rotates.  The dihedral angle is the angle formed between the plane formed by the atoms selected first, second and third and the plane formed by atoms 2,3 and 4.


Molecular weight

The molecular weight of all of the molecules is supplied in a box.  This property is as exact as the atomic weights reported in the literature.


Molecular volume/density

The molecular volume in cubic angstroms is displayed for all of the molecules.  Volume is calculated using the method of A. Bondi (J. Phys. Chem. 68:441), 1964.  The program also calculates surface area using the same elementary 3-D geometry principles and calculates density.  Density is calculated by dividing molecular weight by volume and then correcting for fragments found with an algorithm I derived from solvents.  Individual volumes and surface contributions of each atom are also listed.


Point charges/dipole moment

The partial charges are calculated using DelRe's method (G. Del Re, J. Chem. Soc., (1958), 4031-4040; Biochem. et Biophys. Acta 75:153-182 (1963); D. Polland and H. Sheraga, Biochemistry 6:3791-3800 (1967) and partly with values obtained by trial and error on conformationally constrained molecules with known dipole moments.  The partial charges of Del Re were further modified so that they too resulted in dipole moments reported in the literature.  Some account of pi bond (as well as sigma bond) is taken into account by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS, so this method is no longer equivalent to Del Re's.  The program for calculating partial charge and dipole moment is included in the sample Display program included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.


With version 3.1 two PEOE (partial equalization of orbital electronegativity) methods are introduced for the calculation of partial charge.  The first of these methods uses Gasteiger and Marsili’s method for finding the sigma contribution and adds one quarter of the pi contribution to charge calculated by Huckel Theory.  The second method (MPEOE) is an attempt to improve on this method.





*                    Del Re method: G. Del Re, J. Chem. Soc. 4031 (1958);  Poland and Scheraga, Biochemistry 6: 3791 (1967); Coefficients modified in MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS to   take into account pi contributions - values in the file delre.txt.

*                    PEOE method:  J. Gasteiger and M. Marsili, Tetrahedron 36:3219 (1980).

*                    MPEOE (DQP) method:  K.T. No, J.A. Grant and H.A. Scheraga, J. Phys. Chem. 94:4732 (1990) and K.T. No, J.A. Grant, M.S. Jhou and H.A. Scheraga, J. Phys. Chem. 94: 4740 (1990); J.M. Park, K.T. No, M.S. Jhou and H.A. Scheraga, J. Comp. Chem. 14:1482 (1993).



This operation displays three values for all of the molecules:  the length along the x axis, the width along the y axis and the depth along the z axis in angstroms.  After this the user is asked if he would like to do some time-consuming calculation involving dimensions.  First you will be asked if you would like to calculate the global maximum and minimum dimensions.  If so, the molecule will be rotated in 5 degree increments along the y and z axes for 360 degrees and the maximum and minimum dimensions found will be reported.  Then you will be asked if you want to orient the maximum dimension along the x axis.  If you answer yes to this you will also be given the option of finding and orienting the molecule’s maximum width along the y axis (the maximum length remains on x).


Solubility parameters

The program returns the following values for all molecules as a Microsoft Notepad file:


Log P:  an estimation of the log of the octanol/water partition coefficient using fragment and atom constants after the method described in C. Hansch and A. Leo's 1979 compendium.  This measure of solubility is used with moderate sized molecules such as typical pharmaceuticals or pesticides.  Most, but not all of the values for fragments are from Hansch and Leo's book. Reference:  Substituent Constants for Correlation Analysis in Chemistry and Biology by C. Hansch and A. Leo (1979), Wiley and Sons.


Ghose and Crippen’s Log P: There is a second method of calculating log P based on summing contributions of atom types, instead of fragments.  This method was published in 1988 in  J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 29: 163-172.

Here, for instance, is an example of how this calculation is made for n-propanol:



Description                      hydrophobe          refraction


CH3R, CH4                     -0.6771                 2.9680

CH2R2                            -0.4873                 2.9116

CH2RX                           -0.8370                 2.9244


alcohol                            0.1402                  1.7646


H on C(0) sp3                  0.4418                  0.8447                 

H on C(1) sp3                  0.3343                  0.8939

H on heteroatoms            -0.3260                 0.8000

where X is a heteroatom including oxygen, R is an attachment through carbon,  and C(0) is carbon with no electronegative atoms and C(1) is carbon with 1 electronegative atom.


Log P for propanol =  -0.6771 - 0.4870 - 0.8370 + 0.1402

                                        + 5(0.4418)+2(0.3343) - 0.3260


Molar refractivity (MR) is calculated by summing the atomic refraction values in the same way.


Reference: V.N. Viswanadhan, A.K. Ghose, G.R. Revankar and R.K. Robins, 1988, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 29: 163-172.


QLogP, Hydrogen bonding, Steric hindrance and enzymatic hydrolysis models:

The idea for these algorithims comes from two papers by Nicholas Bodor and Peter Buchwald.  Their goal was to be able to reliably predict enzymatic hydrolysis.  Looking at a number of different factors they found Log octanol water partition coefficient, the steric hindrance of the double bonded oxygen involved in the hydrolysis and the partial charge on the carbon to which the oxygen is attached to be correlated adequately to give a good predictive model.  They also developed a new method for calculating Log octanol water partition coefficient which they dubbed QLogP which uses a very simple two variable underlying model.  The two factors which they use to calculate Log P with are hydrogen bonding (from a table of values given in the paper) and van der Waal’s volume.  Our results are very similar, but slightly different from theirs because MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS uses different methods to calculate molecular volume, partial charge and steric hindrance.


HLB:  hydrophilic-lipophilic balance.  Roughly, this value is obtained by dividing the molecular weight of the water soluble portion of the molecule by the totalmolecular weight of the molecule and multiplying the result by 20.  There are some additional fragment and atom based factors calculated also.  For instance, sodium, potassium or phosphate groups add a large constant to the number, so that results higher than 20 are possible.  In addition, some combinations of halogens can make the HLB be less than 0 if volume based calculations are used instead of molecular weight.   Finally, in an attempt to use HLB for non-surfactant molecules, I have added some fragment modifications not reported in the literature for fragments with several adjacent functional groups.  The HLB concept  is used primarily for surfactants and formulations work.  The method here could be referred to as a modification of the method of Griffin.  The program for calculating HLB is included in the sample Display program included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.


solubility parameter:  Materials with like solubility should dissolve in like.  This measure of solubility is in the units (delta/(MPa)^0.5).  It is calculated here by taking the square root of the sum of squares of dispersion, polarity and hydrogen bonding (the Hansen 3-D solubility parameters).  The reference for the calculation of the solubility parameter, dispersion, polarity and hydrogen bonding is the Handbook of Solubility Parameters and Other Parameters by Allan F.M. Barton, CRC Press (1983).   The algorithm faithfully reproduces Hansen's values for solvents, but will be less reliable for larger molecules.  


dispersion: (Hansen 3-D parameter) a measure of repulsive forces between molecules (the tendency to disperse)


polarity: (Hansen 3-D parameter) a measure of polarity of the molecules.  Molecules with localized positive and negative regions are said to be polar.


hydrogen bonding:  (Hansen 3-D parameter)  a measure of the tendency of a molecule to form hydrogen bonds.


hydration number:  the number of water molecules bound to the molecule in solution.

reference: McGowan, Tenside Surfactants 27: 229-230 (1990)


hydrophilic surface area:  the surface area that binds water instead of repelling it.


% hydrophilic surface area:  the percentage of the surface area of the molecule that is hydrophilic.


Polar surface area  yields the surface area occupied by nitrogens and oxygens (and hydrogens attached to N and O) in a molecule, using the group contribution method outlined in the paper, P. Ertl, B. Rohde, P. Selzer, Fast Calculation of Molecular Polar Surface Area as a Sum of Fragment-based Contributions and Its Application to the Prediction of Drug Transport Properties, J.Med.Chem. 43: 3714-3717 (2000).  It calculates a value for both charged and uncharged O and N.  Polar surface area has been found useful for drug transport modeling including intestinal absorption and penetration of the blood-brain barrier.  The authors of the paper cited call their method of calculations Topological polar surface area or TPSA.


Surface tension   in dynes/cm.  This method was obtained from the Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods.  It has only been tested against small solvent molecules.  It is determined from the boiling point and density of the molecule and inaccuracies in the calculations of those two physical properties will be carried over to the surface tension calculation.


water solubility:  The water solubility method comes from G. Klopman, S. Wang and D.M. Balthasar, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 32:474-482 (1992).  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS uses their atom addition method II which for 483 compounds of small to intermediate size explained about 95% of the variance in the data with a standard deviation of 0.526 log units (mol/meter cubed).   Some slight improvements were made on method II: we used their method 1 values for halogen and sp3 oxygen and added a term for arsenic.  Atom types covered by this method are H,C,N,O, F, P,S,Cl,As,Br and I.


A method devised by S. Yalkowsky (J. Pharm. Sci., 70:971) for calculating water solubility is also presented.  This method uses the user input value for melting point and the calculated values for Log P:


           Log S = -Log P - 0.01*(25-MP) + 0.8


Values derived from both the fragment based Log P calculation and the Crippen atom-based calculation are given.


An algorithm was also designed by the author to calculate log water The method for calculating water solubility is included in the sample program "Display" included with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS. 


Log molar olive oil/gas partition coefficient

The partition coefficient between olive oil and air is calculated based on the method of Klopman (J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 37:569).  Handles common organic atom types (but not P).  This method is useful for predicting the loss of a compound from an oily substance into the atmosphere.


Solvation Parameters (After Abraham)

Solvation parameters (developed by Abraham's group, references 1, 2, 3, 5, 6) are widely used to construct models for determining partition coefficients of molecules from structure.  Selecting this item from the Calculate menu brings up the following Window.  This table contains descriptors for the currently drawn molecule and a separate larger table with model coefficients and predictions from the literature. The Result for the model is made by multiplying the descriptor of your drawn molecule with the corresponding model coefficients and adding these terms together: Result = intercept + e*E + s*S + a*A + b*B +v*V (for partitioning of your molecule in a water/solvent system)


Result=intercept+e*E + s*S + a*A + b*B +l*L (for partitioning of your molecule in an air/solvent system)



The table at the top are the multiple regression coefficients for the models.

The table on the left are the parameters for the current molecule that will be multiplied with the coefficients.

The left table values were obtained by adding together values for the fragments contained in the molecule.  These fragment values can be found in the files solvation\solvationA.csv and solvation\solvation_SumA2H.txt.


Parameter Descriptions:.

R2 (called E in most papers) is the excess molar refraction (i.e. the molar refraction of the solute minus the molar refraction of an alkane of equivalent volume.)

SumPi2H is a combined dipolarity/polarizability descriptor (called S in some papers.)

SumA2H is the overall hydrogen bond acidity (sometimes called A.)

SumB2H is the overall hydrogen bond basicity (somtimes called B.)

SumB20 is an alternative overall hydrogen bond basicity used in calculation of solvent:solvent systems.

L16 is the log of the solute gas-hexadecane partition coefficient.

Vx is the McGowan characteristic volume in cm^3/mol divided by 100.

A*B is the interaction between hydrogen bond acceptors and donors obtained by multiplying them together.

The Result is obtained by adding the components together:

Result = Intercept + a*R2 + b*SumPi2 + c*SumA2H + d*SumB2H + e*SumB20 + f*L16 + g*Vx/100 + h*A*B

where a, b, c, etc. are the values from the table above and R2, SumPi2 etc. are from the table at the left.

Models are stored in a text file called solvation\solvation_modelsA.csv. You can add more models from the Edit menu of this window.

Alternative models without an intercept are stored in a text file called Abraham_NoIntercept.csv.  There are over 290 solvents modeled there and you can load this file from the File menu of this window.

Log P values are the partition coefficients for compounds in two solvent systems.  Log K values are the coefficients of solubility from a gas phase to a liquid phase or coefficients for biological activity.

All values are at 290 K except for the biological values Log K and thresholds which are at 310 K.

The units for biological thresholds are ppm (vol:vol).



1. James A. Platts, Darko Butina, Michael H. Abraham and Anne Hersey, 'Estimation of Molecular Free Energy Relation Descriptors Using a Group Contribution Approach', J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1999, 39, 835-845.  The lists of descriptors can be found in the files 'solvation\solvationA.csv' and 'solvation\solvation_SumA2H.txt' in your MMP directory.

2. Yuan H. Zhao, Michael H. Abraham and Andreas M. Zissimos, 'Determination of McGowan Volumes for Ions and Correlations with van der Waals Volumes,' J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 2003, 43, 1848-1854.  The list of values used can be found in the file mcGowan_Vx.txt in your MMP directory.

3. Michael H. Abraham and Yuan H. Zhao, 'Determination of Solvation Descriptors for Ionic Species: Hydrogen Bond Acidity and Basicity,' J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 4677-4685.  The data was used to expand the previously mentioned tables in your MMP directory.

4. Michael H. Abraham, William E. Acree, Jr.,2 and Xiangli Liu, 'Partition of Neutral Molecules and Ions from Water to o-Nitrophenyl Octyl Ether and of Neutral Molecules from the Gas Phase to o-Nitrophenyl Octyl Ether.', J Solution Chem. 2018; 47(2): 293–307. Many models in this reference.

5. LogL16 values (L) for ions were determined using the equation L=-0.882 + 1.183E + 0.839S + 0.454A + 0.157B + 3.505V found in Paul C. M. Van Noort, Joris J. H. Haftka and John R. Parsons, 'Updated Abraham Solvation Parameters for Polychlorinated Biphenyls,' Env. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 7037-7042.

6. Jean-Claude Bradley, Michael H Abraham, William E Acree, Jr, and Andrew SID Lang, 'Predicting Abraham model solvent coefficients,' Chem Cent J. 2015; 9: 12.  Ninety models in this reference. The table of over no intercept models also came from this reference.

7. Vapor-Biological Log K values are from Table 6 in Michael H Abraham, William E. Acree, Jr., and J. Enrique Cornetto-Muniz, 'Partition of compounds from water and from air into Amides.' New J. Chem. 2009; 33(10): 2034-2043.


The MMP parameters in the third column at left were created by the Substructure Analysis Method in this program.

The results and statistics for the model are found in the models subdirectory:

     8. \models\Model_of_E_Lit.txt

     9. \models\Model_of_S_Lit.txt

     10. \models\Model_of_A_Lit.txt

     11. \models\Model_of_B_Lit.txt

     12. \models\Model_of_L_Lit.txt


The models were constructed from experimental data contained in the following references:

     13. Ulrich, N., Endo, S., Brown, T.N., Watanabe, N., Bronner, G., Abraham, M.H., Goss, K.-U., UFZ-LSER database v 3.2.1 [Internet], Leipzig, Germany, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ. 2017 [accessed on 29.05.2020]. Available from

     14. Abraham, M.H., and Y.H. Zhao, see reference 3 above

     15. Abraham, M.H., W. E. Acree, Jr. and X. Liu, see reference 4 above.

     16. Paul C.M. Van Noort, Joris J.H. Haftka and John R. Parson, 'Updated Abraham Solvation Parameters for Polychlorinated Biphenyls', Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 7037-7042.

     17. Michale H. Abraham, Ricardo Sanchez-Moreno, Javier Gil-Lostes, William E. Acree Jr., J. Enrique Cometto-Muniz and William S. Cain, 'The Biological and Toxicological Activity of Gases and Vapors', Toxicol. In Vitro, 2010 Mar; 24(2): 357-362.

The training set derived from these references had hundreds of solvents, a few hundred pharmaceuticals (ref. 13), pesticides (ref. 13), and fragrances.  It had no surfactants and few ionic species.


Unifac Activity Coefficients

The Unifac method blends empirical data with theory to obtain activity coefficients of components of mixtures.  The empirical data is stored in two tables, watersol1.txt (R and Q values for molecular fragments) and watsol.csv (interaction parameters between the fragments).  Unifac stands for UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficient.  UNIQUAC stands for Universal Quasi Chemical equation based on Guggenheim's theory of chemical mixtures.


The basic equation is:

ln gi  =  lngci  +  ln gRi


where gci  is a measure of size and shape (e.g. the energy it takes for compound to form a cavity in a liquid component of a mixture) and gRi  are the intermolecular interactions due to things like hydrogen bonding and dipole-dipole interactions.  For details on this calculation see the reference below (Yalkowsky and Banerjee 1992).


Example:   5% mixture of 2-methyl-2-phenylethanol in water.


Results from Unifac routine from Molecular Modeling Pro Plus


Unifac Volume-Area Data Table for fragments

Group         Group #     Compound    Occurences  R (volume)  Q (area)

CH3                    1              1                      1           0.9011            0.848

CH2                    1              1                      1           0.674              0.54

Aromatic CH        2           1                      5           0.5313            0.4

Aromatic CCH      3           1                      1           0.8121            0.348

OH                      4              1                      1           1                     1.2

H2O                    5              2                      1           0.92                1.4



Fragment Interaction table

                                CH2    ACH   ACCH2  OH   H2O

CH2                        0          61.13   76.5     986.5   1318

ACH                       -11.12     0       167      636.1   903.8

ACCH2                   -69.7    -146.8     0       803.2   5695

OH                          156.4   89.6     25.82   0          353.5

H2O                        550      362.3   377.6   -229.1 0



Pure component areas and volumes


Molecule                            Volume           Area            L

2-methyl-2-phenylethanol  6.0437             4.936   0.4947996

water                                   0.92                 1.4       -2.32


note: unit for van der Waal's volume is cm3/mole



Activity Coefficients for the mixture

                                                        Mole                                        Activity

                                            fraction  ln(gR)     ln(gc)           Coefficient

2-methyl-2-phenylethanol              0.05       2.78423   1.09846     48.55458

water                                   0.95       0.12826   0.02607     1.166871



Note: Temperature used was: 298.15 degrees Kelvin.


Reference: Aqueous Solubility - Methods of Estimation for Organic Compounds,  S.H. Yalkowsky and S. Banerjee, pub. by Marcel Dekker, 1992


Note: This reference includes allusions to methods convert the activity coefficients to water solubility and log of the octanol-water partition coefficient (not implemented in MMP+).




Christopher Lipinski et. al. of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals have developed a series of cut-off values for oral uptake in the digestive tract and central nervous system uptake.  For oral uptake they showed that poor absorption or permeation is more likely when there are more than 5 H-bond donors, 10 H-bond acceoptros, the molecular weight is greater than 500 and the Log P as calculated by the Moriguchi method is greater than 4.15.  These thresholds are often referred to as the 'Rule of Five'.   Christopher Lipinski also has told us that CNS penetration has lower thresholds (molecular weight greater than 400, more than 6 H-bond acceptors, more than 3 H-bond donors and a polar surface area of greater than 90 angstroms squared).  A second, similar oral threshold model was proposed by Veber et. al. of Smith-Kline Beecham in which the thresholds above which poor oral absorption occurs were proposed as more than 10 rotatable bonds and polar surface area greater than 140 angstroms squared.  These methods can be used as a screen in conjunction with high throughput in-vitro screening to decide which compounds should be tested in the next phase of screening.



·        C.A. Lipinski, F. Lombardo, B.W. Dominy and P.J. Feeney (1997), Experimental and computational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability in drug discovery and development settings.  Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 23: 3-25 (Elsevier)

·        Moriguchi, S. Hirono, Q. Liu, Y. Nakagome and Y. Matsushita (1992), Simple method of calculating octanol/water partition coefficient.  Chem. Pharm. Bull. 40: 127-130.

·        Moriguchi, S. Hirono, I. Nakagome and H. Hirano (1994), Comparison of Log P values for drugs calculated by several methods.  Chem. Pharm. Bull 42: 976-978.

·        D.F. Veber, S. R. Johnson, H-Y Cheng, B.R. Smith, K.W. Ward and K.D. Kopple (2002), Molecular properties that influence the oral bioavailability of drug candidates.  J. Med. Chem. 45: 2615-2623.




Predicts the liquid viscosity in centipoise of a material at a given temperature.  Atom types handled include H, C, N, O, F, Cl, Br and I. The model was formed from fairly small solvent-type molecules and its application to larger molecules is in doubt.  Reference: van Velzen, D., R. Lopes Cardozo and H. Lagenkamp, A liquid viscosity-temperature -chemical constitution relation for organic compounds, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 11: 20 (1972)



Joback and Reid method calculations (K. Joback and R. Reid, Chem. Eng. Comm. 57: 233-243 (1987)

Critical temperature in degrees Kelvin

Critical pressure in bars

Critical volume in  cm cubed/mole

Normal boiling point in degrees Kelvin and centigrade

Normal freezing point in degrees Kelvin and centigrade

Enthalpy of formation, ideal gas, at 298 K in kJ/mole

Gibbs energy of formation, ideal gas, unit fugacity at 298 K in kg/mole

Enthalpy of vaporization at the boiling point in kJ/mole

Enthalpy of fusion in kJ/mole

Liquid viscosity at 298.15 K in N s/m squared

Heat capacity, ideal gas at 298.15 K in J mole K


The following atom types are supported: H, C, N, O, halogen and some sulfur.


Calculations using methods of S. Yalkowsky and coworkers

This algorithim uses the effective number of torsional bonds  and the number of hydrogen bonds to calculate the entropy of boiling (J/K mole)   and the heat capacity change on boiling  (J/K mol).  References: P. Myrdal, J.. Krzyzaniak, S. Yalkowsky, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 35: 1788-92 (1996) and P. Myrdal, S. Yalkowsky, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 36: 2494-99 (1997).


Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation calculations:

The program returns the following values for each molecule:MR:

molecular refractivity (Reference Lyman, chapter 12)

parachor:  Reference Lyman, chapter 12

boiling point:  in degrees centigrade (Reference Lyman chapter 12)

vapor pressure: in mm of mercury (Reference Lyman chapter 14)

Reference: Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods, W.J. Lyman, W.F. Reed, D.H. Rosenblatt, McGraw Hill (1982).

Some modifications have been made to these methods to reproduce literature values of boiling point and vapor pressure.


Sterimol substituent parameters


Verloop introduced these measures of steric effects of substituents in 1976.  The sterimol parameters measure:


L1:  The substituent length along the axis formed by the bond between the substituent and the atom it is attached to.

B1, B2, B3 and B4 are radii extending perpindicular to the L1 axis and perpindicular to each other.

B1 is the shortest axis.

B4 was defined by Verloop as the longest radius perpindicular or 180 degrees to B1.  Its definition is changed in this program to the radius 180 degrees around L1 from B1.

B2 is 90 degrees from B1 around the L1 axis.  It was originally defined as the second smallest radius.

B3 is -90 degrees from B1 around the L1 axis.  It was originally defined as the second largest radius.

      B5 is the longest possible radius perpendicular to L1.  Verloop introduced this later, and showed that in some cases the combination of L1, B1 and B5 give superior correlation to the old sterimol system with L1, B1, B2, B3 and B4.  MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS calculates the radii perpendicular to B5 and L1 for completeness.


After selecting “Sterimol parameters” from the Calculate menu, MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will prompt the user for:

      a) the atom that the substituent is attached to

      b) the atom in the substituent that is attached to the rest of the molecule

The sterimol results are then printed to a message box, and the molecule will be rotated so that L1 is along the x axis and B5 is along the y axis. 

Sterimol parameters can also be saved to databases.



A. Verloop, W. Hoogenstraaten and J. Tipker (1976).  In Drug Design (ed. J. Ariens), pp. 165-207. 


Hammett sigma

Four measures of the electron releasing power of a substituent are calculated by this procedure.  Sigma para is for para substituted aromatic substituents.  Sigma meta is for meta substituted aromatic substituents.  Sigma star is for aliphatic substituents.  Sigma induction contains only the component of electron donation accounted for by induction effects.  This routine is unique to Molecular Modeling Pro Plus and was developed using multiple regression analysis of effects by atom type and atom position.  In other words, a nitrogen as the first atom in the substituent is calculated differently than a nitrogen at position 2.  There are also several interaction terms for some atom combinations (like OC=O).  The program prompts the user to click on the atom to which the substituent is attached and the first atom in the substituent, then proceeds with the calculations.


Mass percent

The molecular formula and mass percent for each atom is listed molecule by molecule.  The mass percent is calculated by Multiplying the atomic weight of an atom by the number of atoms of that type per molecule, and then dividing the result by the molecular weight.


Connectivity and Graph Theory

Returns the order 0,1,2 and 3 connectivity and valence indices using the method of Kier and Hall.  It also returns Kier's kappa2 shape index.  The connectivity indexes (from Randic's graph theory) provide clues to the shape and size of molecules.  The valence index provides a measure of the various electrostatic features of the molecule.  Sometimes this algorithm gives different values than found in the literature, especially for fused rings, but the literature is not consistent either.  References: L.B. Kier, L.H. Hall, W.J. Murray and M. Randic, J. Pharmaceutical Sci. 64: 1971-1974 (1975);  W.J. Murray and L.B. Kier, J. Med. Chem. 19: 573-578 (1976); L.B. Kier, Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 4: 109-116 (1985); L.B. Kier and L.H. Hall, Molecular Connectivity in Chemistry and Drug Res., Academic, New York, 1976.  The Wiener number (0.5*sum of interatomic distances) is also reported.


Hall, Money and Kier came up with the electopological state values in order to combine the electrical and topological properties of molecules in a chemically meaningful way (see L. H. Hall, Brian Mohney and L. B. Kier (1991) “The Electrotopological State: Structure Information at the Atomic Level for Molecular Graphs”, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 31: 76 and  L. H. Hall, Brian Mohney and L. B. Kier (1991) “The Electrotopological State: An Atom Index for QSAR, Quant. Struc-Act. Relat., 10: 43).  The E state values have been used successfully in numerous QSAR papers in the literature.  They are currently available for molecules containing H, C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Br and I.  MMP prints out the individual atomic E state values.  These individual values can be combined in many useful combinations to obtain a molecular value that may be predictive in QSAR analyses.  Examples included in the database save routine include:

a)     total e-state =the sum of all the atomic E-state values in a molecule

b)    maximum_atomic_e_state_value = the maximum individual atomic E-state value

c)     e_state_hydrogen_bond_donor = the sum of the E-state values for NH, NH2, =NH, OH, SH

d)    e_state_hydrogen_bond_acceptor = the sum of the E-state values for all oxygens and nitrogens in a molecule.

e)  CH3R E-State value

f)  CH2RR E-State value

g) CHRRR E-State value

h) CRRRR E-State value: " & EState_Mol(4)

i) double bonded CH2 E-state value

j) double bonded CHR non-aromatic E-State value

k) double bonded CHR aromatic E-State value

l) double bonded CRR non-aromatic E-State value

m) double bonded CRR aromatic E-State value

n) triple bonded CHR E-State value

o) triple bonded CRR E-state value

p) =C= E-State value

q) NH2 E-State value

r) NHR non-aromatic E-State value

s) NHR aromatic E-State value

t) NRR non-aromatic E-State value

u) NRR aromatic E-state value

v) double bonded NH E-State value

w) double bonded NR non-aromatic E-State value

x) double bonded NR aromatic E-State value

y) triple bonded E-State value

z) N in nitro E-State value

aa) OH E-State value

bb) ethereal O non-ring E-state

cc) ethereal O in ring E-State value

dd) O double bonded

ee) F E-State value

ff) PRRR E-State value

gg) R=PRRR E-State value

hh) =S E-State value

ii) SHR E-State value

jj) SRR E-State value

kk) S=RRR E-State value

ll) S=R=RRR E-State value

mm) Cl E-State value

nn) Br E-State value

oo) I E-State value

The electrotopological atomic state values are calculated using the formula:


Si = Ii + j ΔIij


Where Ii is the intrinsic atomic E-state value of each atom type and j ΔIij 

is the effect on atom I of all the other atoms in the molecule.  Iij is calculated:


ΔIij = (Ii - Ij)/(topological distance + 1)2


Burden’s Modified Adjacency Matrices are also calculated and displayed.  In this approach, “each molecule is identified by the eigenvalues of a matrix representing the hydrogen-suppressed connection table of the molecule.  The off-diagonal elements code for the type of bond, and the diagonal elements code for the electronegativity of the atoms (Benigni, 1999).”  Beningi testing these indices, and found that they gave good correlations of known QSAR data sets, in 13 of 15 test cases, in some instances even replacing 3-D parameters.   References: Burden, F.R., A chemically intuitive molecular index based on the eigenvalues of a modified adjacency matrix.  Quant. Struc. Act. Relat. 16: 309-314 (1997); Beningi, R., L. Passerini, A. Pino and A. Giuliani, The information content of the eigenvalues from modified adjacency matrices: large scale and small scale correlations.  Quant. Struct. Act. Relat. 18: 449-455 (1999).


Moments of inertia

The center of mass, moments of inertia and the rotational constants for microwave spectroscopy are calculated for the molecule. The moments of inertia are calculated as the principle components of the momentum tensor.

The rotational constants are calculated by dividing 505379.055 by the moments of inertia.  The moments of inertia ideally contain terms for vibrational motion from quantum mechanics.  The current method uses only classical mechanics and can be referred to as a rigid rotor approximation.


Surfactant Properties

This routine determines if the molecule looks like a surfactant, and what form the micelles will have in aqueous suspension.  The form of the micelles is determined by the shape, dipole moment and interfacial tension of the molecule in water.   The shape of the molecule can be changed by changing the conformation, and this will affect the answer given by the Surfactant Properties routine.  In general, materials with a wide hydrophilic head group and a long, linear lipophilic group will be predicted to form spherical micelles.  Materials with multiple lipophilic groups or branched lipophilic groups that are wider than the hydrophilic group will be predicted to form a different structure (cylinders or sheets, for instance).  A single dimensionless number, the Critical Packing Parameter (CPP), is calculated that predicts the micellar structure.


CPP = V/(L*A)


(molecular volume (V) of the lipophilic portion/(lipophilic length (L) * hydrophilic area (A))


The hydrophilic area is calculated by

A=  square root{((hydrophilic surface area/2)^2)*(charge interactions/interfacial tension)}


V (volume in angstroms cubed) for the hydrophobic portion is calculated using the formula:

(Number of CH3*54.6) + (0.124*(T-298))

+ (Number of CH2*26.9) + (0.0146*(T-298))

-         1.5 per CH=CH group

-         6.7 for a six membered aromatic ring


Where T is temperature in degrees Kelvin.


L is the longest carbon chain length * 1.265 +1.50 in angstroms


V/L defines the cross sectional area of a cylinder.


The hydrophilic surface area of the van der Waal’s spheres is divided by two to give the cross sectional area of a half-sphere in angstroms squared.  It is then squared to make it proportional to the measurements of the hydrophobic groups.  The charge interaction term and interfacial tension term are vectors of force (dyn/cm) that decompress or compress this area.  The charge interaction term has been determined for different head group types to give the expected aggregation form by us.  It may contain a scaling factor for the surface area term as well as information about charge.


MMP+ calculates the interfacial tension between water and the hydrophobic part of the model by:

    Surface tension of water (Sw) = 72 - 0.16*(T-298)

Surface tension of a hydrocarbon chain (Ss) = 35.0 - 325*(mol. wt. of hydrophobe)^(-2/3)-(0.098*(T-298))


    Interfacial tension = ss + sw - 2*0.55*(Ss*Sw)^(1/2) dyn/cm  


Block copolymers of ethylene oxide (EO) propylene oxide (PO) are calculated by a different method: 

Hydophobic volume = Number of POgroups * 96.5.


CPP = 1.256+(-2.394*(EO * 44 / (EO * 44 + PO * 58)))

Interfacial area (A) = V/(L*CPP)

Charge term=26.5*A2/(hydrophilic surface area/2)2

26.5 is the interfacial tension between PO and water.


A window will appear with this data and you can play around with the values in it.


The surface tension in dynes/cm of a 1% aqueous solution of the surfactant is calculated from a regression equation obtained from experimental results and literature values of surfactants.  The regression equation was calculated mostly with nonionic ethoxylated surfactants and will be less accurate for other types of materials:


Surface Tension 1% aqueous = 17.0571 + (0.0267152 * BP) - (0.0000182507 * BP * BP) + (0.186354 * EO) - (3.4 * number of silicon/3) + 0.00443826 * MW


Where BP = boiling point in degrees K, EO the number of ethylene oxide units, number of silicon/3 is 0 if there are less than 3, and MW is molecular weight. BP is calculated with the Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation method.


The charge interaction terms are empirically based and can contain both attractive and repulsive values and be a reflection of both inter- and intramolecular charge-charge interactions.  Currently this is parameterized for Na+ and K+, but can be modified to include more terms in the future.  The default is to set this at 1.2*surface tension.  The modification for Na and K is 1.2*3*surface tension = 3.6*surface tension. 


A window will appear with these terms in it.  If you suspect the value of the packing parameter is incorrect, you can modify all of these terms and see the effect on the resulting Packing Parameter.


HLB (hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) is calculated by three methods.  MMP+ has a unique method that is described in a paper published on the web site.  We also report the values for Griffin’s classic method (MW hydrophilic/MW lipophilic)*20 and the method of Davies.


The surfactant routine will also calculate the 3-D solubility parameters using the method of Van Krevelen.  If you draw in more than one surfactant, the routine will calculate the similarity of the surfactant solubility properties to each other.



-- Griffin HLB method: (20 x mw(hydrophilic)/mw(molecule); William C. Griffin, 1949, J. of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, 1 (5) 311-26.

 -- MMP HLB method one: see paper at

 -- HLB by method from J.T. Davies, 1957, Gas/Liquid and Liquid/Liquid Interface, Proceedings of the International Congress of Surface Activity, pp. 426-38.

 -- Packing Parameter concept: J.N. Israelachvili, 1985 (in Intermolecular and Surface Forces, Academic Press, p 251)

 -- Packing Parameter a(e) calculation: sqrt{(surface area/2 (in angstroms squared))*(charge interactions/surface tension[in dyn/cm])} after discussion by R. Nagarajan, 2002, Langmuir 18: 31-38 and R. Nagarajan and E. Ruckenstein, Langmuir, 1991, 7 (12): 2934-2969.  MMP+ does not fully integrate all of their math, but has some empirically based short cuts.

--EO/PO model terms derived from R. Nagarajan, “Theory of Micelle Formation, Quantitative Approach to Predicting Micellar Properties from Surfactant Molecular Structure”, Copyright 2003, Taylor & Francis Group LLC. (Chapter 1 in a book)

-- Solubility parameters: D.W. Van Krevelen, 1990, Properties of Polymers, 3rd edition, Elsevier, p. 200-220

 -- Surface tension: Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods, W.J. Lyman, W.F. Reed, D.H. Rosenblatt, McGraw Hill (1982), modified by MMP to include more surfactants types


Polymer properties:

Here is a list of the properties and references as printed out by MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS


Polymer properties for polyethylene: 

  -- molecular weight= 30.0696

  -- van der Waal's volume= 26.3179

  -- number of backbone atoms (van Krevelen Z)=  2

  -- Transition temperatures after D.W. van Krevelen, Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed., 1990

  ---- Glass transition temperature (C) = -90.9164

  ---- Melt transition temperature (C) = 108.487

  -- van Krevelen and Hoftyzer's 3-D solubility parameters (delta/sqr(MPa)):

     -- dispersion = 12.5373

     -- polarity = 0

     -- hydrogen bonding = 0

     -- molar volume (cm^3/mol) = 67

     -- solubility parameter = 12.5373

  -- polymer water content (D.W. van Krevelyn, Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed., 1990, page 572)

    -- polymer water content (30% relative humidity) = .00003 moles

    -- polymer water content (50% relative humidity) = .00005 moles

    -- polymer water content (70% relative humidity) = .000066 moles

    -- polymer water content (90% relative humidity) = .00009 moles

    -- polymer water content (100% relative humidity) = .0001 moles

    -- % polymer water content (30% relative humidity) = 1.79779426948798E-03

    -- % polymer water content (50% relative humidity) = 2.99628793560706E-03

    -- % polymer water content (70% relative humidity) = 3.95506218435501E-03

    -- % polymer water content (90% relative humidity) = 5.39318908513756E-03

    -- % polymer water content (100% relative humidity) = 5.99239632176607E-03

  -- hydrophilic surface area = 0 cm^2/mol x10^9

  -- % hydrophilic surface area = 0


SMILES notation

Prints out the SMILES notation for the molecules drawn on the screen.  SMILES is used as input for many commercial physical properties calculations programs.  Note that you can save SMILES notation batch-wise under Database Save on the File menu.  SMILES has become popular as a means of representing chemical structure because of the simplicity of its rules.  Some examples to study to get the general idea:


n-butane = CCCC

isobutane = CC(C)C     (branching represented by parentheses)

isopropanol = CC(O)C or CC(C)O or C(C)(O)C or OC(C)C    (atom types by atomic symbols; may possible representations of the same molecule possible)

propene =          CC=C or C=CC    (double bonds are equal signs)

propyne =          CC#C or C#CC     (triple bonds are pound signs)cyclohexane = C1CCCCC1     (ring get numbers after the ring closure numbers)

toluene = Cc1=cc=cc=c1 or Cc1ccccc1 or          c1=c(C)c=cc=c1

           etc.(aromatic atoms are lower case, double bond representations in 6 membered rings are optional if there are 3 alternating bonds)

biphenyl= c1=cc=cc=c1c2=cc=cc=c2 or   c1=c(c2=cc=cc=c2)c=cc=c1

naphthalene = c1=cc(c=cc=c2)=c2c=c1


Reference: David Weininger, 1988. “SMILES, a chemical language and information system. 1. Introduction to methodology and coding rules”, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 28: 31-36.


Print structure and properties

This option prints out a black and white picture of the structure and results for 25 molecular properties of the molecule on a single page to the local printer.



Conformational Analysis

The user selects one or two bonds to rotate.  The bonds will rotate and the strain energy due to non-bonded atom overlap, torsional barriers, coulomb electrostatic charge interactions, and hydrogen bonding will be computed in user specified degree increments.  The unbonded overlap is calculated by a Lennard-Jones 6-12 function or the MOLY minimizer unbonded strain term (see discussion on minimization for the formulas).  The MOLY unbonded model, coupled with a dielectric constant of 1 seems to give better answers, but some readers will probably feel more comfortable using the familiar Lennard-Jones function.  The coulomb electrostatic charge interaction is calculated by Coulomb’s law:


                             n-1       n

Echarge = 332.17 (S     S         [QiQj]/[Dij dij])

                           i=1   j=i+1


where Q is the partial charge, D the dielectric constant and d the distance between atoms i and j.


The dielectric constant can be set during the conformational analysis routine from within the conformational analysis window. The higher the dielectric constant, the stronger the electrostatic interactions (air = 1, water = 78.54).  The simple hydrogen bonding function is described below under “Dock molecule with molecule”. 

      A list of the local minima (low energy conformations) will be displayed and a 2-D or 3-D graph of the results will follow.  The list of minima is automatically output to a file (Confor.Out).  This file will be erased and written over every time you do a conformational analysis. You can make a screen print of the graphs by selecting "Print molecule"and "Screen  print" from the File menu.  The program will also print to the screen a graph of dipole moment versus angle.  With larger molecules, rotating 2 bonds may take as long as 1-4 hours to calculate if you use a low torsional angle increment (e.g. 5 degrees).  The model used is a "rigid rotor" system.  In rigid rotor systems, bond angles and bond lengths are not changed to minimize non-bonded atom overlaps.  This will result in higher energy values for highly strained conformations than is found in nature.  You can tell when this happens when peaks on the plots come to points instead of smooth curves.  Hydrogen bonding energy will be underestimated by the simple Coulombic charge model.  Torsional strain is only calculated for the rotating bonds.  This means that the energy values will differ for the same conformation if you rotate different bonds, and that comparisons of energy values between different molecules will usually not be valid.

      At the end of the routine, the molecule with the lowest conformational energy will we displayed.  You may also choose to display up to 3 additional low energy confomers.  If you wish to redisplay the molecule as it was before the conformational analysis, select the Undo menu item from the Edit menu.



Clicking on Minimize will begin the process of minimizing strain energy in one of the molecules by moving atoms randomly and by gradients determined by the energy changes.


Version 3.0 of MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS introduced the MM2 minimizer that orginated with Norman Allinger and coworkers in the early 1980s (with later improvements included here).  This implementation comes from the developers of the DOS program Molgen (P. Baracic, M. Mackov and J.E. Slone).  The MM2 minimizer is the industry standard for geometry optimization and is known to do a very good job minimizing organic molecules.  It is parameterized for H, C, N, O, F, Si, P, S, Cl, Br and I.

With Version 5, a standard ("Full") MM2 minimization is the default.  It finds a local minimum for the molecule as drawn.  It does not find a global minimum unless you first run conformational analyses on the freely rotating bonds.  The Quick MM2 minimizer does find global minima, but will effect stereochemistry in an unpredictable fashion.


The MM2 minimizer has some limitations: 999 atom limit (above this the use of ChemSite Amber is recommended); cannot handle molecules with only one atom (e.g. chloride counter-ions should be added after MM2 minimization); cannot handle atoms with more than 4 attachments.


The Quick MM2 version has some non-standard features:

·        it first breaks the molecules into smaller fragments and performs an MM2 minimization on them

·        it reassembles the molecule, using conformational analysis to set the dihedral angles in the low energy conformation (finds a global minimum conformation)

·        it uses a library of preoptimized rings.

The full version of MM2 will find a local minima for the molecule in its current conformation and will return the strain energies.


MOLY minimizer:  Strain energy due to bond lengths, bond angles, dihedral angles, unbonded atom overlap and hybrid strain are calculated.  The MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS minimizer is a classical mechanical force field molecular model based on the model (reference 1 below):


Etotal = Ebond + Eangle + Enonbonded + E tor + Ehyb


The bond-length and bond angle strain terms are calculated using standard Hooke’s law type functions.  The default method of calculating unbonded strain is:


                  n-1     n

Eunbonded = S   S 14.68(d6)    [i and j are not bonded]

                i=1  j=i+1


where d is the overlap = (radius of i + radius of j) - the distance from i to j))


A “6-12” Lennard-Jones potential function from MOLY can be used as an alternative to the above function:


                  n-1     n

Eunbonded = S   S (B/d6 - A)/d6 + C/d    [i and j are not bonded]

                i=1  j=i+1


d = distance between i and j)

A, B and C = constants for the combinations of atoms found in the file “LenJones.txt” in your MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS directory.  The B term is usually larger than the square of the A term (H, H: A = 71.7, B = 6389).  The C term is quite small in comparison (H, H: C = 0.0092).  Atom types supported = H, C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Br, I -otherwise the default method is used.


The torsional function tries to stagger butane-type interactions, keep double bonds, amides and esters planar, allenes perpendicular etc.  The hybridization term is used to keep strained carbonyls flat and to automatically increase the angle between the appendages of strained rings.  This minimizer is a modification of the MOLY minimizer (1) which was itself a descendent of one developed by Wipke (2).  The version presented here has been both simplified and added to, and programmed into new languages.  Minimization can take a while for very large molecules (several minutes to an hour).  Minimization can be done with any of 4 starting energy gradients.  The gradients are:

·        Make extreme changes:  This should only be used when the starting geometry is nearly random.  This gradient has the ability to change chirality of your molecules.

·        Make large changes: This option will greatly disturb the starting geometry.  It will especially make larger changes to dihedral angles.  It is very useful for a large ring made with the 2-D generic ring-maker.  It can be less useful for small non-ring molecules, which should be nearly optimized when made with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  It will not rotate bonds 180 degrees though and distinguish between gauche and anti conformations.  Exploring the effects of large bond rotations on strain energy should be done with the Conformational Analysis routine found under the Calculate menu.

·        Make Moderate changes: This is a good compromise for molecules with mostly correct starting geometry, but with perhaps one ring needing moderate tweaking.

·        Refine: Starts with the last stage of minimization and will more quickly minimize a molecule that starts with low energy.  It does not change dihedral angles much.      

·        An alternative minimization routine, “downhill simplex minimization” was added to address some problems with the MOLY minimizer.  The MOLY minimizer uses the “steepest descent” method of minimization.  This method does not always find local minima.  The downhill simplex method has the reputation of being slow, but always finds a minimum.  Using the downhill simplex method instead of the “Make extremer, large or moderate changes” options of MOLY seems to give better results most of the time.  The terms used to calculate the energy are exactly the same ones used with MOLY with one exception.  If you have more than one molecule then the electrostatic coulomb charge interactions between the atoms in the different molecules will also be calculated.  This can be helpful in docking a molecule on the surface of another molecule.

·        Another new feature added with version 2 is the “approximate hydrogens” option.  This option deletes the hydrogens from carbons and readusts the van der Waal’s radii of the carbons to account for the missing hydrogens.  Using this option will speed up the minimization.  After minimizing with this option you may want to add the hydrogens back, get them in a reasonable conformation, and use the Refine option to get the final molecular geometry.

·        You may also take into account electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bonding during minimization.  The hydrogen bonding function is the same simple routine described in “Dock molecule with molecule”  above.  The electrostatic model is described above under “Conformational analysis”.  If using electrostatics, you must run CNDO first to get the charges.  If you want to use the minimizer to dock a molecule on the surface of another molecule, setting the dielectric constant will change the effect of the electrostatics (the larger this number, the larger the effect: air = 1, water = 78.54 at 25 C).

·        If you own recent versions of the product “Chemsite” you can use the Chemsite Amber minimizer from within MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  Amber was designed to model biopolymers, so is fast with larger molecules.  Chemsite also has a molecular dynamics routine that can be used iteratively with minimization to optimize geometry.  When Chemisite is called from within MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS’s minimization window, Chemsite will start with the molecule currently displayed in MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS, with the Amber minimizer running.  Quitting Chemsite will cause the minimized geometry to be read into MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS, replacing whatever is in MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS at the time.  This option will only work with Chemsite versions sold after May 15, 1996.



1) T.M. Dyott, A.J. Stuper and G.S. Zander, 1980. “MOLY - an   interactive system for molecular analysis”, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., 20: 28-35.

2)   Wipke, W.T., P. Gund, J.M. Verbalis and T.M. Dyott, Abstracts, 162nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., Sept. 1971, No. ORGN-17.

3)   Allinger, N.L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 99:8127 (1977)(original MM2 paper)

4)   Weiner, S.J. , P.A. Kollman, D.A. Case, U. C. Singh, C. Ghio, G. Alagona, S. Profeta, Jr. And P. Weiner, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106: 765 (1984) abd S,H, Wuberm O,A, Jikknabm D,T, Nguyen and D.A. Case, J. Comp. Chem. 7:230 (1986)(Description of AMBER)


Minimize Selected Atoms

If parts of the molecule are already minimized, then you may want to only minimize the strain energy of the other part of the molecule.  You can do that with this routine.  Select this item and choose the size of the initial changes to be made from the check boxes which appear in the Minimize window that appears (Description above under Minimize).  Click on the atoms you wish to minimize, then hit the Start button in the upper left corner of the screen.  You can quit the minimization by hitting the Quit button or you can wait till the change in strain energy is below the cut-off value in the Rnums.txt file.  You cannot use the Chemsite Amber minimizer with this routine,


Minimize all molecules in a directory

Perhaps you would like to use the minimizer to minimize an entire DOS directory of MACROMODEL or MDL Molfiles before making them into an MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS database.  Or maybe you have a directory of 2-D Molfiles that you would like to make three dimensional.  This menu item can do these tasks.  The user chooses this item, then selects the parameters for minimization from the usual Minimizer window (see above for instuctions and theory). 

If you use the MOLY minimizer, make sure you choose the number of iterations you would like (the default for batch minimization is 35).  For a solvent sized molecule, 20 iterations may be enough.  Large molecules containing more than 60 atoms will take longer and will give best results if in reasonable conformations. 

After selecting the minimization parameters, the Batch Minimization window appears.  Select the file types  (MACROMODEL, MDL Molfile) that should be minimized in this window.  You can also choose to add or delete hydrogens here. 

MM2 minimization: When using the Full MM2 minimization, hydrogen addition and deletion has no effect.  The 2-D to 3-D conversion is recommended if you start with 2-D structures as the 2-D structures tend to find poor local minima.  The results of this minimization will likely not be fully satisfactory for a directory of complex molecules.  Be suspicious of molecules that minimize too quickly, as they are likely to have minimized to a saddle point far from the global minimum.  To avoid this problem, you can use the Quick MM2 method which will give better results, but which may destroy stereochemistry.

MOLY minimization: Iterations will run much faster if there are no hydrogens on the molecules when minimizing, but the final structure may be more accurate if you add hydrogens.  You may want to run a test case with the Minimize item above to see how long it takes to get an acceptable structure.  2-D structures may take longer than molecules made with MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS and if you use Full MM2 there is a distinct possibility that a very poor local minimum will be found quickly.  With MOLY minimization, the check box for 2-D to 3-D conversion should be checked when minimizing 2-D structures, but this should not change 2-D rings.  If you get poor results by checking this box, you can choose to minimize with large or moderate changes instead, and let the minimizer do the 2-D to 3-D conversions.

  You can also check a box so that the molecule will be aligned with its maximum interatomic distance along the x axis.  Finally, there is a box that gives you the option of choosing a new directory.  If you do not check this box, the molecule files will be overwritten with the new geometry and the old structures will be lost.

A requester will appear asking you to choose the directory.  The program will then run all the molecules in the directory through the minimizer.  This job may take a long time to run (if there are many molecules in the directory and you choose a large number of iterations).  You may want to run it overnight.


Translate z

Moves the molecule closer or farther away from the viewer.  The selected molecule or all of the molecules, will begin to move along the z axis after this item is selected.  The X, Y, Z, Quit, Stop, Trans z, <, and > buttons will be activated (description of these buttons is under Rotate/X above.


Superimpose and center

Centers each molecules individually in the center of the screen, so that the midpoint of the range of x,y and z values for each molecule is the screen center.  This will make all the molecules appear in a jumble in the center of the screen, and may be useful as a starting place for comparing one molecule with another.  This item is often used with the "Make Molecule a Color" routine under the Format menu (so that molecules can be distinguished when all mixed up).


Dock (compare) molecule on molecule

This routine will match up 2-5 pairs of atoms in two molecules.  The first atom selected in each molecule will be placed at the center of the screen.  The second atom will be placed on the x axis to the right of the origin.  The third atom will be rotated into the x,y plane.  The program will then attempt to minimize the distance between the atom pairs by rotating and translating the second molecule along the x, y and z axes.  It will then mirror the second molecule and attempt the translations and rotations again.  The orientation having the smallest differences between the atom pairs will be displayed, with the 2 molecules docked on top of each other.


Dock molecule with molecule

This routine gives the strain energy associated between two molecules due to unbonded overlap (using the van derWaals model described below in the minimizer description), coulomb electrostatic charge interactions, and hydrogen bonding.  It will use the partial charge generated by CNDO to estimate the coulomb’s interaction or, if these have not been calculated, will generate charges using the modified DelRe method.  The dielectric constant last used in the minimizer will be used to calculate the electrostatic interactions.  To set the dielectric constant select Minimize from the Geometry menu, set the dielectric constant and hit the cancel button on the Minimizer window.  If no dielectric constant has been chosen the default is 1 (1= vacuum, 78.54 = water) .  Hydrogen bonding is calculated using a rather simple H-Bond algorithm:


                E(hb)ij = (Rij10/dij10)((Rij2/dij2) - 2) 


        where d = distance between i and j

                    R= optimum H bond distance between i and j


No account of H-bond angle is taken by this method (which in reality would play a part).  To use this routine you select this menu item, then click down on an atom in the molecule to be moved, and drag it with the mouse around the second molecule.  The energy is displayed in the blue box.


Space molecules evenly

This routine should evenly distribute the molecules about the screen, so that they are not jumbled on top of each other and will display reaction information if available.


Place atom at origin

After selecting this item, click on an atom.  The atom will move to screen center, taking the rest of its molecule with it.


Orient 1-2 atoms on x axis

This item will place a single atom on the x axis, or put the midpoint between two selected atoms on the x axis by clicking on the atoms.  To align a bond on the x axis, first place an atom on the origin using Geometry/Place atom at origin, then put a second single atom on the x axis.


Orient 1-2 atoms in x-y plane

This item will place a single atom on the x,y plane or place the midpoint between two atoms on the x-y plane.



After selecting this item, click on the stereocenter that is to be changed.  Two of the center's attached atoms will be inverted (positions exchanged).



This causes the selected molecules mirror image to be substituted by changing the sign of the x coordinates.


Identify high strain atom overlaps

All non-bonded atom pairs with non-bonded strain greater than 0.5 kcal/mol will be printed to a Notepad file.  This will help identify regions of a molecule in need of conformational changes or further minimization.


Reference Bonds and Angles

Change bond length

After selecting this item, the user clicks (when prompted) on two atoms.  The current bond length is displayed, and the user can type in a new length in the text box and hit OK, or cancel to keep the current value.


Change bond angle

After selecting this item, the user clicks (when prompted) on an atom.  The current reference angle is displayed, and the user can type in a new angle in the text box and hit OK, or cancel to keep the current value.  Reference angles and atoms can be found with the Geometry/Print bond lengths and angle option listed below.


Change torsional angle

After selecting this item, the user clicks (when prompted) on an atom.  The current reference torsional angle is displayed, and the user can type in a new angle in the text box and hit OK, or cancel to keep the current value.  Reference torsional angles and atoms can be found by selecting "Print bond lengths and angles" from the Geometry menu.



Make SP

After selecting this option, clicking on an atom with two attachments will cause it to change the reference bond angle of the second atom to 180 degrees.


Make SP2

Selecting this option, then clicking on an atom, will cause the second and third atoms attached to it to change to bond angles of 120 degrees with torsional angles of 180 and 0 degrees.  It may not work for ring atoms (nothing may happen).


Make SP3

Selecting this option, then clicking on an atom, will cause the second, third and fourth atoms attached to it to change to bond angles of 109.5 degrees with torsional angles of 180, 60 and 300 degrees.  It will not change angles if the attached atom is part of the same ring or fused ring system as the central atom.


Make center trigonal bipyrimid

Selecting this option, then clicking on an atom, will cause the second, third, and  fourth atoms attached to it to change to bond angles of 90 degrees, with torsional angles of 180, 60 and 300 degrees, and cause the fifth attached atom to change to bond angle of 180 degrees.


2-D Geometry

Move atom

After selecting this item, the user clicks down on an atom, drags it with the mouse and releases the mouse button at the new location of the atom.  This a 2-D drawing tool, which destroys the 3-D geometry of the molecule.


Move group

After selecting this item, the user clicks down on an atom, drags it with the mouse and releases the mouse button at the new location for the atom.  Atoms attached to the moved atoms will move with it, with their old bond lengths and angles intact.  This is a 2-D drawing tool, which destroys the 3-D geometry of the molecule.  Non-ring atoms can be restored, sometimes, by clicking on Geometry/hybridization/ and selecting the appropriate hybridization for the reference atom for the selected atom (the reference atom is the attached atom which didn't move).


Make molecule 2-D

This routine will change the geometry of your molecule so that the molecule is drawn flat.  Atoms connected to 4 other atoms, for instance, will have their bond angles and torsional angles changed to form a cross (90 degree bond angles).  This is somewhat useful for clearly depicting all the atoms in a molecule, when they overlap or obscure each other.  Changing the molecule back to 3-D can be laborious.


Convert 2-D to 3-D

This routine converts 2-D molecules to 3-D molecules by correcting the bond lengths and bond angles to standard 3-D values.  Some atom overlap is possible, and minimization may be required to get an acceptable molecule.  On occasion this routine has not worked properly and has resulted in poor molecular geometry.  If you have any unsaved molecule you might want to save it before using this routine.


View connection table

Used primarily in debugging, this option puts up an abbreviated form of the MACROMODEL connection table.  The format of the connection table is:

first line: 

number of atoms, molecule name


subsequent lines (next 3 lines are on one line):

atom type, connection 1, bond 1, connection 2, bond 2, connection 3, bond 3 connection 4, bond 4, connection 5, bond 5, connection 6, bond 6, x coordinate,  y coordinate, z coordinate, residue code, VAX or other color, partial charge, second charge term


atom types are: 1=carbon SP; 2=carbon SP2; 3=carbon SP3; 15=oxygen, double bonded; 16=other oxygen; 18=oxygen with negative charge; 24=nitrogen, triple bonded; 25=other nitrogen; 41-3=hydrogen; 44-5 hydrogen with a charge; 49=sulfur;  53=phosphorous; 56=fluorine; 57=chlorine; 58=bromine; 59=iodine; 60=silicon; 63=lone pair; most other atoms are here defined as atomic number+60.


Print bond lengths and angles

Used primarily in debugging, this option lists the bond lengths and angles with the following output:  atom number, atomic symbol, reference bond length, reference bond angle, reference torsional angle, reference atom number.


Change display mode

This menu item brings up the Display window.  You may select a display type for one or all of the molecules.  With MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS 2.0 it is possible to display each molecule differently by choosing the molecule name from the list box in the window.  This makes it possible to show how one molecule fits in another (choose molecule outline for one molecule, and wire frame for the other).  Here is a description of the window items:


Wire frame

Displays the molecule as a wire frame drawing.  This will also clear text and arrows from the screen.


Ball and stick on/off

The molecules are drawn as ball and stick models, sorted along the z axis (atoms closest to the viewer are drawn last).


Fast spheres on/off

The molecules are drawn as filled circles sorted along the z axis.  The radius of the circle is set using the Graphics Objects item under Draw in the menu.  The default is 70% of the van derWaal's radius (which gives both an indication of molecular shape without too many spurious overlaps).  Molecule intersections are not calculated with this option, it simply draws filled circles.  To draw shaded spheres with proper atom intersections select "Dot surface" (below) and set the dot density to 1.


Molecule outlines

This routine draws an outline of the molecule of van derWaal's radius around whatever figure is on the screen.  This item is checked when selected.  The outlines can be rotated in real time and printed out by selecting Print and any of the submenu items from the file menu.  Perspective is not supported.


Atom outlines

Selecting Atom outlines will turn off other representations of the molecule and display the molecule as outlines of the atoms with correct atom intersections, giving a 3-D effect.  These displays can be rotated slowly in real time.  They can be printed out by selecting Print and any of the submenu items from the File menu or in color using the Screen Print option.  Ghost image is supported, but perspective is not.  This routine turns off ball and stick and fast sphere molecule representations.


Ghost image:  The atoms are drawn as gray spheres, then overlayed with the wire frame image in color. 


Dot surface

This item draws a picture of the molecule as evenly spaced dots.  The dot intensity is controlled by the distance from the center of the atom being drawn (center is brighter).  Intersections are properly calculated, and the user can select whether the wire frame model of the molecules are included in the drawing.  The dot density is also controlled.  A dot density of 6 is normal for drawing dot surfaces.  A dot density of 1 results in shaded spheres (space filling models with a different appearance than those in the Space Filling Model description below).  The lower the dot density number the longer it takes to draw.  You can choose to have the light come from directly in front or from above the molecule.  When from above a shadow is drawn under the molecule, and you may want to use a white background.


Space Filling Model

A picture of shaded spheres (“CPK” type models) of Van der Waal’s radii with correct bond intersections is drawn.  This is the slowest drawing method and should be used when higher quality views of the molecule are desired.


Chemsite rendering options

If you own the product Chemsite, you can call most of the Chemsite rendering options from within MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.  Make sure that Chemisite is installed in a directory called “Chemsite” for this to work (e.g. c:\molsuite\chemsite\chemsite.exe).  If it is in some other directory, you should edit the second line of the ASCII text file “moldat.txt” to the name of the CHEMSITE executable (e.g. change “” to “d:\modeling\chemsite.exe”).  If you want to render several molecules, watch out for “out of memory” errors, since MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS will put up a new version of Chemsite every time you render a molecule from within MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS.


Display with pdb viewer (e.g. RASWIN)

If you set up a link to a pdb viewer you can display the current molecule with it by checking this option.


Show Input buttons

This items makes the input buttons visible or invisible.  You should make them invisible when making a screen print, or they will be included in the picture.   A description of the command buttons was given in an earlier part of this chapter.



Displays the atomic symbols of all non-carbon and non-hydrogen atoms on the molecules.


Label hydrogens

When checked, the program will print the hydrogen labels too.


Label carbons

When checked, the program will print the carbon labels too.


Name, formula and molecular weight

Displays the name, formula and molecular weight of the molecules in the upper left corner.


Display hydrogens on/off

Hydrogens are displayed or not displayed when this button is selected.  This routine does not erase the hydrogens from MOLECULAR MODELING PRO PLUS's array memory.


Front clipping plane

Portions of spheres, balls, sticks and wires with z coordinates greater than 0.1 angstrom (i.e. atoms closest to the viewer) are not shown.  Selecting this feature a second time redisplays the erased objects.  Use of this feature with the Trans Z/ Autorotate option under Geometry will give the user an idea about the location of atoms along the z axis.


Back clipping plane

Portions of spheres, balls, sticks and wires with z coordinates less than the user selected value (i.e. atoms farthest from the viewer) will not be drawn.  Selecting this feature a second time redisplays the erased objects.  Use this feature with Front Clipping Plane to obtain slices through a molecule of desired thickness.  Use it with the Trans Z menu item in the Geometry menu to obtain information about the location of atoms along the z axis.


Add lone pairs

Select this item.  Then click on an atom.  If the atom is less than tetrahedral a lone pair will be added to the atom.  Lone pairs are stored in the connection table as if they are another connected atom.  The MACROMODEL number for lone pairs is 63.  To delete a lone pair select delete and click halfway between the lone pair electrons.  After the lone pair has been drawn, the programs resets to the add atom mode.  To add a second lone pair you must select the 'add lone pair item again and click on the atom a second time.


Draw a horizontal arrow

The user selects this item, then clicks on a starting and stopping place on the screen.  The arrow is drawn from left to right. 


Graphics objects

The color of all graphics objects is set with Draw/Color/Set text color described above.


Line (upper left).  After clicking on this object  the user selects a starting and ending point on the screen to draw a line.

Arrow:  after selecting this object, the user select a starting and ending point on the screen for an arrow.

Arc arrow:  Draws a counter-clockwise arc arrow from starting and ending points selected by the user.

Equilibrium arrows:  Draws equilibrium arrows from starting and ending points selected by the user.

Dashed line:  Draws a dashed line from starting and ending points selected by the user clicking on the screen.

Filled rectangle:  The user selects this item, then the upper left and lower right corners to draw a filled rectangle.

Unfilled circle:  The user selects this item, then the circle center then the radius.

Filled circle: The user selects this item, then the center and finally the radius.

Percentage of van der Waal's radius for fast spheres:  Typing a new value in the text box at the bottom will cause the radius of the fast spheres to change.  Hit the DONE button after typing in the desired value.  Typing 100 causes spheres with full van derWaal's radius

to be drawn.  The default value is 70%.

Draw Width:  Sets the width (in pixels) of lines and unfilled circles.

Draw Style:  Sets the line style: 0=solid; 1=dash; 2=dot; 3=dash-dot; 4=dash-dot-dot; 5 = invisible and 6=inside solid.  Any number larger than 6 will be converted to a solid line.  Setting draw width to greater than 1 sets draw styles 1 through 4 to 0 (solid line).



The viewer selects this item, then selects the upper left and lower right corners of the frame on the screen.  The frame color can be set by selecting "Text color" from the Format menu.



Save as animated molecule

Choose:  1) the name of the connection table; 2) the name of the slide file.

The connection table will be saved to 1, and the table's file name will be appended to the end of 2.  A default viewing time of 15 seconds will also be written to 2.  The user can select whether to have the molecule(s) rotate and which axis to rotate.  Wire frame, ball and stick or spheres can be chosen as the display mode. A title can be chosen for the slide, which  will  be displayed at the top center of the slide. 


Save screen as a picture

Choose:  1) the name of the bitmap file; 2) the name of the slide file.

The bitmap will be saved to 1, and the bitmap's name will be appended to the end of 2.  A default viewing time of 15 seconds will also be written to 2.  The user can select a title for the slide, but this will not be displayed.  The title is only used as a note for editing the slide.  Use the slide editor below to change slide order and the viewing time.



Choose a slide file from the list.  The slides will automatically play.


Next slide

This menu item, activated by "Play",  forces the next slide to appear before the previous slide's viewing time is up.  To run a slide show manually, set the viewing time of the slides to a large number (e.g. 1000) and use this menu item to advance through the slide file.


Choose slide

A file list will appear.  Click on the name of the slide you want to see.  The slide show will continue from the chosen slide.



Quits the slide show.


Edit slides

Selecting this menu item brings up the slide editor.  Clicking on the file list on the right without first clicking on the copy, move or insert buttons selects the bitmap or connection table for editing.  The values stored in the slide file appear in the text boxes and list boxes at the left and top right of the Editor.  These boxes and lists can be changed to the user's specifications. 


Editing Features common to bitmaps and connection table files:


1. The blue message box at the top of the screen will usually prompt you on your next move.


2. The check box at the top left of the screen reads: "Show in continuous loop?".  If you check this item the slides will start over again at the beginning after showing all the slides, and play through them over and over.


3. There are four command buttons just under the check box labeled "Copy", "Move", "Delete” and "Insert".  These buttons work as follows:

a) "Copy":  i) Select a file from the list box at the right of the screen containing all the file names; ii)  Hit the "Copy" button; iii) Select a file on the list.  The copied file will appear above the file selected with iii.

b) "Move":  i) Select a file from the list box at the right of the screen; ii) Hit the "Move" button; iii) Select a file on the right list box again.  The file selected in i) will be moved above the file selected with iii).

c)  "Delete":  i) Select a file from the list box at the right; ii)  Hit the Delete button.  The slide is deleted from the play list (but the bitmap or connection table remains on disk).

d)  "Insert":  i) Hit the "Insert" button; ii) Select a file name on the list at the right.  A blank line appears above the file name selected.  You must supply the file name and other information for this slide.


4.  The Done button is just to the right of the other buttons.  Hitting this button saves the changes made to the slide file, and quits the slide editor.


5.  Just below the Delete and Insert command buttons is a text box containing the currently selected slide file name.  You can change this name to some other file name if you wish, by typing in the new name.


6.  Just below the file name text box is a list containing the file types.  There are three types you can select, but the type selected must correspond to the real file type of the file named in the file name text box.  The choices are bitmap, MACROMODEL connection table and Molfile connection table.


7.  Under the Done button is a text box labeled "Display time (sec.)".  Type in the number of seconds here that you wish to show this slide.


8.  At the right of the screen is a list of file names of the slides.  Clicking on one of these names will change the slide being edited.


9.  At the bottom are two long text boxes.  The upper one is labeled "Slide Title".  For bitmaps this field is only a reminder to you of what the slide contains.  For connection tables, this title will appear at the top of the screen when the slide is shown.


10.  The bottom most text box is labeled "Message".  This message will appear on bitmaps or connection table slides.  Type in the message desired.  The location of the message is controlled by the "Message x" and "Message y" locations which are typed into the text boxes in the lower center part of the screen.  These locations are expressed as a percent of  the screen.  For instance, setting "Message x" to 10 would place it 10% of the way over from the left of the screen.


Editing features unique to bitmap slides:

At the upper right part of a screen is found a text box labeled "Bitmap persists".  If your slide is followed by a connection table and you want the bitmap to stay on the screen as background, type the number 1 in this box.  Otherwise type a 0.


Editing features unique to connection tables:


1. At the upper right of the editor screen is found a list marked "Animation".  Select the type of animation you desire for this slide. 


2.  Below the file type text box at the left is a list marked "Views".  Select the type of view you desire.  Note that selecting "Atom outline" or "Ghost image" does not change the primary display type selected earlier (e.g. wire frame, ball and stick or fast spheres).Changing to wire frame, ball and stick or fast spheres does turn off the atom outlines and ghost images though.


3. Below the View list are the bond rotation text boxes.  You must know the atom numbers of two connected atoms before proceeding.  You can get these numbers from the molecule after you have drawn it by hitting the "?" key.  Write the number down.  Then with the slide editor on, type in the 2 atom numbers in these text boxes.


4.  Just below the "Display time" box in the center of the screen, is a box labeled "Clear after".  If you want the screen cleared after displaying a connection table, type "yes" in this box.  Otherwise type "no".  If you type no the image drawn by the last connection table persists, and the next connection table molecule will be drawn over it.  This might be useful for comparing two molecules.


5.  Below the "Clear after" box is the "Perspective" box.  Type "yes" here to turn perspective on.


6.  Below the "Message y" box are two boxes labeled "Trans x" and "Trans y"  Typing numbers into this box will translate the molecule the numbers of angstroms typed in 0.1 angstrom increments.  Make sure that you have specified enough display time to complete the translation.  This time will vary by computer speed.




Sends the user to the Help table of contents.


Search for Help on...

Sends the user to the Help search index.


How to Draw your first molecule

Sends the user to the part of the Help file dealing with drawing a molecule.  You can use the tutorial A instead of this for instruction.


First time user

Sends the user to the Help file.


About Molecular Modeling Pro Plus

Lists copyright information and the author's address.  It also list the maximum number of atoms allowed (5000) and the number of atoms currently displayed.